decision: to stay or go?

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Awhile later type shifted a bit uncomfortable. Tharn was laying on top of him breathing shallowly. With his arms limply to type side.
Types were wrapped around his back.
Opening his eyes with furrowed eye brows.
Parting his lips he looked to the side towards the door.
This is your chance type.
Slowly he started to take his arms down to shift tharn slightly to the side off of him.
Tharn shifted but did not wake. Since type was there tharn did not sleep well.
Keeping his gaze on him type silently and slowly got off the bed.
Stepping backwards retrieved his clothes from the floor placing them on.
Shifting to the side he went to tharns pants to look in his pockets to retrieve his knife.
Type froze when tharn shifted.
Still asleep type breathed out relieved.
Standing up he walked backwards to hit his back to the door quietly.
Breathing heavily he placed his knife in his front pocket.
Bringing his arm behind he placed his hand to.the nob turning it.
Types eyes widen when it actually turned.
Opening the door silently he turned quick to hesitate in the door way looking down biting his lower lip.
His eye brows furrowed.
Types heart sunk. Closing his eyes he didn't know what to do.
Should you leave? Should you stay?
What do you feel for him?
So....under duress and anger tharn....
Type took a deep breathe in.
Taking a step forward he looked to the wall in front of him still confused.
If your heart hurts this much then...maybe..
Type rolled his eyes.
Stepping back he closed the door silently.
Placing his forehead to the door he shuttered.
You still love him...don't You?
Licking his bottom lip he turned around to go back to the bed to sit on the edge.
His eyes were too tharn who breathed shallowly in and out with his head leaned to the side.
Type smiled.
Even After all the shit you have put me through i still love you. My heart and soul yearns for you.
Looking to the side he placed his hand to his leg running it up and down.
Tharn woke up to turn his body slightly to look at type with Wide eyes.
Type kept his eyes to his leg.
"Mmm let's take a shower together."
Tharns lips parted.
Type got up taking off his clothes to walk forward turning the light on keeping the door opened for him.
Tharn watched a bit confused by this.
Slowly getting up he went to type.
In the shower tharn had the soap washing types back.
Type had his Head under the shower up letting the warmth soothe him.
Tharn looked up.
"Am i forgiven?"
Type turned his head slightly.
He shook his head.
Turning around type looked down grabbing the soap to place it on tharns chest washing him.
Tharn kept his eyes down at type.
"Then what type? Do you...still want to leave?"
Type gritted his teeth.
"I honestly don't know. You've put me through so much."
Tharn took a deep breathe in.
"I'm sorry..."
Type nodded.
Turning he placed the soap on the edge.
Back he placed his head on tharns chest listening to his heart.
Type wrapped his arms around tharns back.
Tharn laid his arms limply to his sides not trying to hope.
"I...won't keep you here. If you wish to leave. You can go. Before you must know how sorry i am. I know am i bastard. A piece of shit who has done despicable things to you. However, type. I love you. I'm so sorry."
Types eyes darted back and forth.
He looked up to see tharn looking sullenly down.
"Yourll let me leave?"
Tharn let tears fall.
He could only nod.
Taking a deep breathe he leaned up, bringing his hand up to wrap it around tharns throat.
He gave it a squeeze.
Tharn gulped.
Types eyes narrowed.
"If you do Anything like what you have done to me in the future i will leave and never ever come back to you."
Tharns lips parted.
Type moved that hand to the back of tharns neck to lean him down.
They both locked one another in a passionate kiss.
Tharn brought up his arms to wrap them around types body pulling him close.
They both got hard.
Types body was to the shower wall getting thrusted hard.
His plams were faced down has well has his cheek.
Tharn had one hand gripping his hair the other was wrapped around stroking types length.
His body was slightly over types.
"Aaaaah fuck ttharn! Mmm so fucking good!"
"Mmm type!"
Types body moved up and down by the friction.
He bit his bottom lip in pleasure moaning.
"Mmm say it again Tharn."
"I'm sorry.... God your tightness is going to make me...."
Type looked back.
He started to thrust his cock in tharns hand.
"Nno the other thing! Say it! Before we cum!"
Tharn gripped types hair harder.
Then he pulled him softly back.
Type leaned his head to the side they both took out there tongues lathering them in the air.
"Aaaaah i love you type! I'm mmmm sooo sorry! Fuck! Your making me cum!"
Type brought up his hand to tharns hair to grip it hard has they both came.
Tharn wrapped his arms around type.
They unlocked there kiss to glare at each other.
"Mmm i love you too tharn."
Tharns eyes widen. Tears feel.
Tharn placed his head on his shoulder.
Type let tears fall has well.
"Mmm such a big baby."
Tharn lightly chuckled.
Turning type wrapped his arms around tharns neck.
They shared a passionate kiss once more.

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