being part of a gang

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Tharn folded his arms around his chest then he circled around the boy.
Type eyed him in annoyance. Then he went to his original position in front of type holding his nose.
He cocked his head to the side looking angrily at tharn.
"Well first off i don't know how my father could withstand your stench but you need to go take a bath and put on clean clothes."
He looked him up and down with a face.
Type gulped uncomfortably.
Tharn motioned with his chin for type to follow. Reluctant he went behind him staying a few feet back.
They entered a nice bathroom, types eyes widen.
Tharn turned to him almost bumping into him. Type accidently got too close.
He pushed him roughly back.
"Don't get too close to me street rat." He said in disgust.
"Hey don't call me that."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You've taken a bath yes?"
He signed.
"Well clean clothes are over there."
Type followed his gaze and Then looked to tharn up and down. He wasent moving.
"Um What?"
Tharn scoffed.
"Take off your clothes."
Types eyes widen.
"Um can you leave?"
"My father might be trusting of a kid but I'm not."
"The only thing i have is a small knife in my shoe for protection and that's all. Id like you to leave."
Tharn clicked his tongue then went to the bath too full it.
Getting it filled type stood there confused.
Tharn turned off the water and leaned against the tub with his arms folded.
"Either you strip and get in or i guess your going in fully clothed. Your choice street rat."
Type gritted his teeth.
We're both boys he thought to himself.
Slowly and angerly he took off his shirt.
Tharn looked to his stomach a bruise was forming.
Type them took off his shoes, socks with the knife in it, then he took down his pants leaving on his boxers.
Tharn looked to the boys body, he was dirty, bruised and very thin.
Then he looked down raising an eye.brow.
"Are you going in with those?"
Type made a low growl.
He then took of his boxers keeping his hand over his member.
Tharn nodded then got up walking past type leaving.
Closing the door type shook his head.
Going to the tub he got in submerging himself.
He saw to the right a little table with soap and shampoo. Grabbing the soap he cleaned himself. It had been a year since he took a nice bath.
Once done he got out looking at the water.
It was brown. He made a face.
Guess i was dirty.
He grabbed his clothes putting them in the corner grabbing his knife that had his parents initals on it.
Going to the other side he went though some clothes getting his size.
Then he found some shoes his size.
His stomach growled.
Could he eat now?
He bent over putting the knife in his new socks and headed out.
Tharn was on the same couch writing.
He stood in front of him.
"Um can i eat now?"
Tharn nodded without looking up.
Type walked to the food sitting down in a chair eating away.
Getting full he didn't really want to talk to tharn. He'd rather wait for akira. That brought a smile to his face.
Type kind of thought akira was cute. He had to be in his mid to late 20s.
Tharn started to get annoyed the kid didn't go to him.
Rolling his eyes he went to.him sitting in. A chair opposite of him having placed his notebook on the couch.
He eyed type Who kept his eyes down.
For an unknown reason the cleaned up type looked cute.
Tharn slightly shook his head.
"Well least i can breathe."
Type looked to tharn in annoyance.
"Let's get over this quickly then i can show you to your room."
"You are part of the yakui clan." "The rules are has followed i am off limits from fights unless i start them. You have to do whatever i or my father say in regards to the gang. You can't stay away without telling anyone. You go to any law enforcements your dead. You try to leave the group your dead. When you have a mission you complete it or you get punished. Trust me you dont want those."
Type nodded.
"You also dont talk or bring anyone to the gang without permission."
Type nodded.
"Do you have any questions?"
He looked to the table.
"Um how old are you and akira?"
Tharn opened his eyes wide at such a question and for type to be on first name bases with his father.
"Im 16 and my father is 30." "After today we are too you mr. Yakuri."
Type nodded.
"Well im sick of looking at you and tomorrow the real fun begins."
Type looked to tharn getting up to eye him.
"Are you always such a prick?"
Tharn looked to him then took him by his collar leaning him up.
"Look you street rat. No one talks to me like that. If you want to have a some what easy life. You will stay away from me and keep your mouth shut understand?"
Type brought his hands up to push him off.
He then got quickly from his chair moving to the wall.
"Why you little.."
His threat hung in the air when akira came back. He looked to tharn and type then back to his son shaking his head.
"Type have you've eaten?"
He nodded.
"Then i think its best time for you to go to sleep, tomorrow is a big day.
Tharn im surprised at you."
Tharn looked to the side in anger.
Type moved forward around tharn going to akira who put his arm around the boys shoulder.
Tharn looked up disgusted.
His father never did that. He was always cold to tharn then why he getting close to the street rat.
Taking a deep intake he went back to the couch to write.
Type was lead in the opposite direction hating tharns guts.
Going down a hallway akira opened a door to a grand room.
Type went in with surprised.
"Do all the recruits sleep in such comforts?"
Akira went in and turned type around shaking his head.
"Your something special."
Types heart skipped a beat.
"Well get some sleep your getting up early tomorrow."
Akira then turned around leaving.
Type looked around then pounced on the bed.
He looked to the ceiling happily.
Even though he had to deal with tharn and the other unpleasant things, he was off the streets.
Also he had Akira.
He smiled at that fact.

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