the job

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Type was in his bathroom brushing his teeth ferociously, then he looked up to eye himself in the mirror. What he just saw earlier that day ran through his head.
Taking his tooth brush out he hung his head and spat.
He used the back of his hand to whip off the remainder.
He shook his head.
What would akira think if he knew what tharn was up too?
Type flinched.
What would he do if he knew type had a crush on him?
Type took a deep breathe in.
Putting his tooth brush back he turned around to head to his bed.
He got to it flopping down on his back looking to the ceiling.
Type knew this was just an infatuation.
He knew akira was 35 to where he was 20. 15 years apart, could something happen?
If he could except his son then what about his feelings for him?
Type shook his head.
This was wrong. Wasent it?
He also couldn't believe he caught tharn in that situation. Tharn had always be an asshole to guys. Has type thought his eye brows rose.
Some past events flew past his mind involving him.
Tharn would usually be in the Corner, quite then he would watch for a time then leave with a man.
Type couldn't believe he never pieced it together until now.
He would act like an asshole to one man then they would quietly slip away.
Type then sat up on the bed raising his eye brows.
What does it feel like to be with a man?
Type never with anyone because of his crush for akira. Type at that moment envied tharn. He took what he wanted but type kept his feelings a secert.
He signed heavily.
What would akira think if type tried to kiss him?
Type blushed and looked down. Then he flopped back to the bed.
Your insane type.
Finally his mind went quite enough for him to sleep.
The next morning he got up early with a yawn. He had a solo job to do and he had to get his mind in the game.
Fully dressed he ate a quick meal then he went to his door opening it to freeze.
Tharn was there looking at him with narrowed eyes taking a inhale from his cigarette.
"Why are you here?"
Tharn took the cigreatte out to blow smoke at type who looked to the side.
He licked his bottom lip.
"My father thought you needed the help. The number has gone up."
Type rolled his eyes and moved forward to close his door.
He moved around tharn to walk ahead muttering under his breathe.
Tharn rolled his eyes then followed.
In the car they sat in silence.
"How many?" Type breathed in.
He never did a job with tharn in.the 6 years of being in the gang. Why now?
"10." "5 Will be for you 5 for me"
"Why now?" "We have never been put together for a job before."
Tharn gave a dark chuckle.
Type gritted his teeth.
"Need to make sure your keeping up with your promise."
Type rolled his eyes.
"I honestly don't care. However, you should think of your father."
Tharn looked to type with narrowed eyes. Type was looking out the window.
"That's why i need to make sure you keep your mouth shut."
Type shook his head.
Finally they got to the place.
Tharn.stopped in front of the building. He grabbed another cigreatte to lit.
Type looked to him with narrowed eyes.
"You know those things kill you right?"
Tharn looked to type taking an inhale then blowing it out to the side.
"What are you worried about me?"
He gave a dark smile.
Type cocked his had to the side.
"No. I worry how your father will feel if you die from lung cancer."
Type looked forward shaking his head.
Tharn Then looked forward finishing his cigreatte.
What the hell? Why is it always about my father?
Seeing from his perhivoral vision tharn was done, type walked forward with tharn in tow.
After they got in the car heavily breathing.
There was an emergency kit in front of them and type opened it looking to tharn.
His face was cut in several places.
Types body was shifted to the side dabbing his cuts.
The whole fight was amazing.
It was has if they rehearsed. Type mainly had brusies on his stomach from being kicked repeatedly but he would survive.
Tharn looked to type with a new outlook for the boy.
In that fight he was still very quick. At times they both saved each other.
Tharn kept his eyes to type, thinking of him in a different way. Type was thinking what would his father say about this.
When they got to the compound they went to the bar.
Type stayed standing up drinking with a soft groan.
"How's your stomach?"
He pushed his lips together making a sick face.
"Mmm don't ask."
Tharn got two more shots then handed one to type.
Type eyed him questionally but he nodded raising his glass.
Type raised his glass and shrugged.
Tharn Then looked forward.
"I can Finally understand why my father wanted you in the gang. You fight well."
Type took his full glass to his lips taking a sip of the rum.
Then he swallowed.
"Is that a complement i hear?"
He shrugged.
"A small one i guess street rat."
Types eyes narrowed.
They then both looked to each other.
"Hmmm, type?"
Then they both looked to the side to see akira.
That's when tharn.saw it.
Type lit up when he saw akira. His eyes seemed to sparkle. If he was a dog his tail would be waging.
Tharn turned his body back to the bartender to get another shot.
So pathetic.
Akira made his way to the boys and he patted types head he smiled.
Then he looked to tharn putting his hand to his chin to make him look sideways to him. He then shifted his head back.
"See you suck at fighting."
Type breathed a sigh of relief.
Then akira put his arm around types shoulder leading him away.
Tharn sat there downing his shot.
Can't believe i started to think of type in a good light.
Who would have thought he liked my father in "that" way.
He shook.his head gritting his teeth downing another shot.
Can't believe i think he is cute.

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