tell me about your mother

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Type closed the door keeping his back to tharn with a teasing smile.
"Mmm what was that?"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You fucking heard me."
Type shook his head.
"Nope didn't hear."
He signed heavily gritting his teeth.
"I love you."
Type turned around to walk towards tharn who hung his head, gripping the bed sheet.
His eyes narrowed then he sat to the side of him.
"Your acting like you dont."
Tharn took a deep breathe.
"The last time i said those words were to my mother who was killed in front of me."
Types eyes softened. Then he brought his hand to tharns to intertwine they're fingers. Type put his head on tharns shoulder.
"Your father never did tell me that story."
Tharn took a deep breathe in.
He pushed type to the bed to take off his shirt.
Types eyes widen, tharn got on top of him to put his head over his heart wrapping his arms around him.
Type slowly placed his hands on his head stroking his hair.
The past
Malee had her arms wrapped across her chest shaking her head.
Tharn (13)
He was fighting with his father.
Akira was trying to teach him to fight but tharn wasent quick.
Tharn hit the ground and hard.
Malee hesitated with a grimance.
"Akira it's enough."
He breathed hard and looked to her.
Tharn got slowly up then he walked over to her wrapping his arms around.
Akira shook his head and walked past her.
"You coddle him too much. The son of a mafia boss needs to be a man."
Malee looked after him with a frown.
Then she hugged tharn tighter.
Later they were in the bathroom. Tharn was sitting on a chair Expressionless.
Malee sat across from him to apply ointment to his wounds.
Tharn winced but relaxed.
Malee signed.
"Tharn. You can be who you are with me."
Tharn shrugged.
"Mmm i love you my son."
Then malee leaned over wrapping her arms around him.
He wrapped his arms around her.
"I love you too mom."
"Im so sorry were in this type of world. I wish you could be a normal kid."
"You and me both."
Tharn then looked to the clock he's eyes widen.
Then he leaned back.
"Um mom i have too..."
She smiled.
"Mmm i know. Don't let your father catch you thou."
His lips parted.
"What do you know?"
She winked and kissed him on the forehead.
Malee got up to go to the door.
"I hope you finally talk to him today."
Tharn looked down embrassed.
Then malee left.
Tharn had gone to a park close by to watch a boy with his parents who had an alluring smile. He would only watch though he never had the courage to actually talk to him.
By this time he would usually be there helping maintain the park.
Tharn found out by research his parents owned it.
Getting up he rushed out.
Malee knew tharn wasent like other boys and she loved he was doing something for himself however, she knew akira would have a problem with it.
In her room she sat on the edge of the bed while akira leaned against the wall looking down at her.
"You coddle my son too much."
"Someone has too. You only treat him less then human."
"He is the son of a mafia boss. Tharn needs to grow up. He's 13 stop babying him. I'm starting to hear things."
Malee stiffened.
"Like what?"
"He's soft. A coward. A mama's boy etc etc. You have too stop."
Malee shook her head. Then she stood up looking angerly at akira.
"I will never stop being his mother!"
Turning around she stomped away.
Akira was fuming.
Then he took out his phone calling a number. Then he stared expressionless at the door.
"This is akira. Get it done."
Then he hung up the phone, squeezing his eyes shut.
The next day tharn was walking outside near his mother looking to the side at the waves.
Malee stood Right near him placing her hand on his.
"So...did you talk to him?"
"Um.... No. I finally found out his name though." Tharn smiled.
"What is it?"
"Mmm type. He's 11 though but that smile."
Tharn shook his head.
"For me wait til your 16 to confront him."
Tharn looked to his mother.
"Mom i don't think of him that way. From what I've seen he is a really good kid. He helps his parents no matter what also his laugh."
Tharns mom turned to the side to rub her thumb on his chin Making him turn. He looked up to her.
"I know you dont think of him that way your 13 he's 11 but just wait for a few years to do whatever, okay. I just want you too be happy."
Tharn smiled.
Akira then walked up to them. Tharn leaned away to become emotionless again.
"Let's go."
They both smiled to one another.
Walking malee shuttered then she looked sideways to tharn who looked behind her. Akira was running after the man and malees knees buckled making her fall down.
Tharn held onto her getting her blood all over.
Her head hit his chest.
She started to feel cold.
"Mom! Mom! Stay with me! Help! Help!"
Malee looked up to tharn and brought a shaky hand up to tharns teared face.
He shook his head.
"Shhhh dont speak."
"Mmmm i love yyyou."
Then her hand hit the ground limbly beside her. Malee stopped breathing.
Tharn rocked her back and forth.
"I love you mom! I love you!"
Later tharn was in his room staring at the wall sitting on the floor covered in her blood.
Akira came slowly in to lean his body to the wall.
"Im sorry tharn. She didn't...."
Tharn moved his head to the side gritting his teeth.
"Did you catch him?"
Tharn then got up to walk quickly to akria grabbing his gun from his holster.
"Teach me how to use this and how to hunt!"
Akira nodded.
Back to the present
Tharn left out Type from that story he wanted him to focus on tharns pain.
Type let tears fall for tharn.
He held him tighter.
"Tharn i am so sorry you had to go through that."
Tharn held him tighter.
"Now you know why its hard for me to say those words but i do feel them for you type. I do love you even if i don't say it all the time.
"Mmm i love you too tharn, you...can cry if you want too. you don't have to be anyone but you when your with me."
Tharns eyes Widen.
His mother said something similar to him.
Tharn then let the tears fall.
They stayed in a close embrace.

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