entering the dark world

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Type was sitting on his butt in an alley way waiting for the restaurant owner to throw the food from the end of the day away.
Type (14) was living on the streets since he was 11. He learned about knives, guns and any fighting styles he could to make it on the street.
4 years ago he went on a drive with his parents and in the rain his father couldn't see and they went head on into another car.
They died quickly leaving type with no one. His parents marriage made there families mad for how young they were. Both disowned them and when it came for type to go with either of them, he was not wanted.
He was going to be placed in a group home but he wouldn't go.
When the doctors back was turned he ran and never looked back.
His eyes went up when the restaurant chief came out to throw away the food.
Waiting he then got up once the chief went back in, to go to the trash getting the warm food.
Taking it in his hands he ate slowly. It had been 2 days since he last ate.
3 boys walked across the alley way. One looked down, he elbowed his friends, they looked to, too see type leaned against the wall eating trash. He looked dirty.
They smiled to one another to go and pick on him.
The older one went first with the two in tow.
He got right up to type smacking the food from his hands while the others circled around him.
"That's so nasty, what are you homeless?"
Type looked to each boy with narrowed eyes. He knew how to fight but that didn't mean he wanted too.
Type rolled his eyes not speaking trying to leave. One of the youngers pushed him back.
His eyes narrowed once more.
"What can't speak? Who says your going anywhere? Your kind are dirty and nasty."
Type let those words get the best of him.
"Fuck you! Move!"
The 3 gave each other looks.
"Are you going to take that gia? I can tell his younger then you."
The older one (gia) shook his head with a smirk.
Akira came out of the restraunt feeling full. He needed to get back to the new recruits. Walking he heard a hit then he looked down the alleyway. A young boy was up against a wall. His head was leaned sideways breathing hard with balled fists.
There were 3 boys circled around him chuckling
Akira stood there watching with his head cocked to the side.
Type stood there fuming he couldn't believe the kid hit him.
Then he grabbed type by the collar.
"Your kind should just be erased."
Type got mad.
He head butted the older making him go all the way to the other side of the wall.
The other two boys tried to get type but he was too quick.
He had ducked down while they collided. Then he got up to put his hand to there shirts leaning them once more together knocking them out.
The older got up to shove type to the wall but he looked up with a smile.
He hit him under his chin then before he could go backwards he grabbed his shirt to hit him in the eye rendering him unconscious to the ground.
Type looked around rolling his eyes at the 3 boys. Then he looked to the side after he heard foot steps. His eyes darted up and down taking a step back.
"Um it..it wasent.. My fault."
Akira looked down to the 3 unconscious boys smiling.
"I can tell that."
Then he looked to a worried type.
"Boy? Can i ask how old are you?"
"Well you look young shouldn't you be at home."
Type looked down sullenly.
"I have no home."
Akira nodded.
"Well im part of a group and if you qualify, it can get you off the streets. What do you say?"
Then type looked to the side the older tried to wake up but akira kicked him.
His eye brows rose.
Akira shrugged.
Then he turned around to leave.
Type bit his lip them followed.
Akira walked to a black town car keeping the door open for him.
He motioned with his chin for him to get in.
Type wasent naive that's why he had a knife in his shoe. Taking a breathe he got in not aware of what he got himself into.
Once inside akira got in and the car drove off.
"So boy? How old are you?"
Type looked to him.
"Wow and you can do that to 3 older kids. Impressive." "Whats your name?"
"What all are you proficient in?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well other then the fighting can you shoot a gun?"
Type nodded.
"What about knives?"
He nodded.
"Do you know many fighting styles?"
"Again impressive for your age." "What about your parents? Family members?"
"My parents passed away."
"My parents families didn't want me."
"So in essence your a street rat?"
Type nodded. He hated being called that. Type didn't steal.
"Well my name is akira yakuri. I run a local gang and i think your skills can be quite useful."
"A gang?"
He nodded.
"I don't kill people."
Akira laughed.
"I'm asking for your skills not for you to kill."
Type looked forward thinking.
Akira watched him deep in thought.
"Look kid if you don't want this life your free to get out once we've stopped. However, once you go through our trial your in it for life. We become your family"
Type chewed his inner cheek.
"What i can tell you if you are able to join, is this. You get off the street, you get food, people will have your back and money."
Type looked back to akira who was smirking.
"Um what is it i have too do?"
"It is kind of like what you did in the alley way but with one of our elite members you have to fight."
"Not kill right?"
He shook his head.
Type nodded.
The rest of the car ride was quiet.
Could i do this? Can i join a gang?
Not getting to much into thought about it the sound of food and getting off the streets was welcoming.
Once the car stopped akira got out.
Type followed.
Once inside an abandoned building akira lead him to a wide room with a circle of people. They were watching two people fight.
Akira took his arm over his shoulder to lead him to the front.
Type watched round after round. One person entered the other left almost unconscious.
Akira went to his ear.
"This is the last time i ask because either you fight and Win to join or you fight and get thrown out. Once you enter you cant ever go back."
Type looked to akira his heart thumped unevenly in his chest but he nodded.
"I can do this."
Akira smiled.
After the last fight akira pushed him in and another member who was older joined in.
Type gulped he had to have been 20.
The fight started after the guy hit type in his mouth knocking him down. Type spat blood to the floor.
Looking to akira he looked back to the guy getting up quickly to ram him in his stomach with his head.
Going for 20 minutes type hit him in the back of the Neck rendering him unconscious.
He fell back wards to.The ground breathing hard. The guy only hit gulf on his face and his stomach.
Akira went to type holding out his hand.
He took it getting up.
Akira put his arm over his shoulder looking to the group.
"This brave boy is type. He is now part of the gang. Treat him well."
They all nodded.
Akira lead the boy out and another fight began.
"Well you fought hard you must be hungry."
Type nodded.
Akira lead him into a nice room.
A boy who looked about his age was sitting on the couch with a notebook and pencil writing something.
He looked up un interested then got up when akira got close.
Type looked him up and down but he looked to the side smelling the food on the table. The boy scoffed making type look back with narrowed eyes.
"I see you brought another street rat into your our gang."
Type rolled his eyes.
He looked sideways down at him.
"This is my son tharn yakuri."
He nodded un interested.
"Tharn i want you to be nice to him. He's new to our gang."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Now type, tharn here will go over some things and you can eat, drink has much has you want. You earned it."
He patted his shoulder. They he took his arm back leaving them alone.
The boys stared at each other in annoyance.

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