your an idiot

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Types eyes darted has he sat in the shower while the water still ran.
He didn't...with her? Is that what he wants me to figure out?
Shaking his head he got up to turn off the water. Getting out he dried himself off  to Then step quickly to the dresser.
Dressing in a haste he then paced to the door opening it with speed just to take a step back and freeze.
Tharn had his arms on either side of the door. His head was hung til the door opened.
Tharn then looked up to stare at type with an eye brow raised.
"You can't have thought id really leave."
Types eyes furrowed.
Shaking his head with a chuckle tharn took his arms down to bring them up to put them on types chest pushing him back.
Closing the door and locking it with one hand behind him.
He brought both hands up to place them on types face. Tharn leaned his head down to put his lips on types.
Type brought his arms from the side to bring them up to put them on tharns wrists.
They both lathered they're tongues in each other mouths.
Then Tharn with his body pushed type to his back on the bed.
After a few moments of wet kissing type wanted revenge.
So he brought his hand from tharns wrist to his hand to bring it down to slide it in his shorts, stroking him off.
Tharn leaned back to look down then to type with a smirk.
Type opened his eyes.
"You owe me after what you did in the shower."
Tharn chuckled.
Then he took down his other hand to roll his wrist getting type off to then take his hand to put it in tharns pants.
Type looked down then back to tharn with narrowed eyes brows.
Tharn leaned back down.
"You owe me one for not warning me about my father."
Type gulped.
Tharn. closed his eyes to open his mouth taking out his tongue.
Type closed his eyes then to reciprocate.
Soon the boys were naked on the bed. Moans filled the quiet room.
Tharn was on his side with his lubed cock rubbing it between types cheeks, getting off.
Type was on his side with his hand to the bed gripping the sheets the other helped him prompt himself up slightly.
"Mmmmmmm damn it stop teasing."
Tharn brought his hand from types waist to put it on his hand that gripped the bed.
Tharn kept thrusting.
"Do you want my cock?"
Type bit his lip and nodded.
Then tharn put his head to his outer hole hesitating.
He brought there hands together up to types face to turn it to him.
Types eye brows raised questionally.
Tharn licked types lower lip.
"Do you want me?"
Type breathed in heavily.
"I want you. Please fuck me."
Then type leaned his head up to place his lips on tharns putting his tongue in.
Tharn then started to thrust slowly inch by inch.
Type winced in pain.
Tharn let go of types hand to ran it down to his twitching member to stroke his length.
Type brought that hand up to wrap it Around tharns neck.
In another position tharn hovered over type still locked in there kiss and thrusting slowly while he kept stroking his length.
They both moaned into each others mouths.
The pain subsided a bit, it turned to pleasure when tharn kept hitting the sweet spot.
Types legs were bent to either side of tharns waist and he had both hands to his throat.
Tharn had his free hand to the side of types neck on the bed squeezing.
Leaning his head bank back, tharn put his forehead on types.
"Mmmmm your so tight and warm inside."
Type winced in pain.
"Aaah ddont mmmm sstop!"
"Mmm then squeeze your ass!"
Type did and tharn couldn't stop himself. He thrusted harder.
"Aaaaah god! Mmmm im gonna! Mmmm cccum with me ttharn!" Type moaned loudly.
Thrusting harder and quicker tharn quivered his seed into type.
Type shivered and erupted all over tharns hand and his stomach.
A little while later type was on his stomach to the pillows, prompting himself slightly up on his elbowsto look down to his hands confused.
Tharn was laying his head on the middle of types back running the back of his hand slowly up and down with his eyes closed.
"Uuum didn't fuck her?"
Tharn shook his head.
"Do you really think ill have sex with her then you?"
He chuckled.
"You really are a moron."
Type signed heavily.
"Then why did you have a naked woman in your bed?"
"I knew you two were coming. I have someone who keeps tabs on him. Still a little upset you didn't try to warn me."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Then who was she?"
Tharn shurgged.
"Some lesbian i made a deal with."
"Always have a plan b i see."
Tharn nodded.
"Why were you with...."
"He pulled me aside to talk about you.  I thought he knew about us but i tried to get him not to believe you were gay."
Tharn scoffed.
"Least you did something."
"What....what was this?"
Type gritted his teeth.
"Mmm no. Not just sex. I was serious when i told you i like you."
Type smiled.
Unknown to type, tharns other secret was he had a crush on the boy since he first saw type. Being with him these 6 years it turned to unrequited love when he saw how close he was getting with his father.
That one day when he confirmed that type liked his father, tharn jumped at the chance to make type his. Tharn was in love with type but he knew type loved his father. Now tharn needed to take type away from akira.
"Your still a prick. Go to sleep."
Then He put his arms under his head while he leaned down, closing his eyes after only experiencing a little bit of pain from there activity.
Tharn breathed in deep.
"Sleep well street rat."
Then they both fell asleep.

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