hidden research

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Type was in the computer lab late at night researching about tharns mother. Sadly he was not finding anything. Only thing he could find was her obituary, however that was forged since she was in the mafia.
To types surprise he was good at hacking, but he didn't Like it. At least this skill could help tharn find closure.
Eyes darted rapidly then they widen.
Hearing footsteps he memorized the code then shuffled things about.
Jumping a bit in his chair, tharn had leaned his body onto types wrapping his arms around his neck.
Staring at the computer screen he cocked his head to the side.
"What are you up too?"
"Re checking your work. It seems you left out 25,000 somewhere."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Its 1130 at night type. Why are you not in my bed? Or am i going into yours?"
Type smiled.
It had been 2 months and they tried to sleep in each other's rooms when they could. However, they had to keep things very hidden and type had to keep lying to tharn about what he was doing.
"Mmm we can't sleep together all night though. I need to get up early tomorrow. I have a job with your father at 730."
Type brought up his hands to rub his eyes.
Tharn unwrapped his arms to step to the side twirling the chair towards him.
They glared at each other.
"Well, i have 8 hours with you."
He smirked.
Type smiled.
"Nnnnn mmmm tharn! So good!"
Type was on all fours gripping the bed sheet with his fingers while tharn. Thrusted inside of him while he was on his knees.
One hand was to types erection stroking him off.
The other was on his waist.
"Mmm type your so fucking tight! Making love to you feels so amazing."
Tharn bit his bottom lip.
Type smiled then leaned himself off to put his back to tharns chest.
Bringing his hand up to the side he placed it on the back of his neck.
Type leaned his head to the side. They licked each other's tongues in the air.
Tharn moved his hand from his waist to place it on types nipple twisting it.
"Aaaah tharn! Your going to make me cum!"
Type started to thrust his cock in tharns hand.
Tharn held type tighter.
"Your sexiness is going to make me cum!"
Type placed his tongue once more in tharns mouth.
They both thrusted and hard cumming in full.
"Mmmm tharn, eventually you need to let me go."
Type was laying on his stomach with his head on his arms with his head leaned to the side, eyes closed.
Tharn laid on his side with his arms wrapped around type with his chin on his back.
"No. Just sleep here."
"Tharn i have to be in my room at 730. Your father will meet me there."
Tharn shook his head.
"Then you can stay til 7."
Type smiled.
"Why won't you let me go?." He playfully chuckled.
"You know the answer to that."
Type shifted his body to slightly push tharn to his back so he can lay his head on his chest.
Tharn hesitated to wrap his arms around type but then he did.
Things were going too well for them, tharn was getting suspicious.
Type wrapped his arms around him and placed his mouth to his neck.
"Mmm if you tell me ill stay."
Tharn smiled.
"You know its because i love you."
Type smiled.
"I love you too tharn. Guess i can stay."
Tharn hugged type tighter.
"You have my heart type."
Type hummed.
"I'm happy to have it."
"Do i have yours?"
Type shook his head.
Tharns eye brows furrowed.
"Do you really have to ask?"
Tharns facial expression softened.
"Tell me type."
"You've always had my heart. If you weren't an asshole in the beginning we would have had more nights like this." He playfully chuckled.
"I won't ever let you go Type. Your mine."
Type smiled.
They both drifted off to sleep.
The next morning type got up, slowly and silently. He got dressed and took one last look to tharn who was sleeping like a baby.
Type had lied to tharn about what he was going to do but what he saw type needed to see if that was real.
Walking back to the computer lab he remembered the code and he got right back in.
Reading, his eyes had tears falling down his face. Type breathed heavily to what he just found out about tharns mother.
Then he froze.
Type heard a gun click.
He took his hands off the key board taking deep breathes.
Type felt the gun on the back of his head.
Akira leaned his head onto types shoulder reading what he found.
"Mmm your good. A little too good type."
Type shook his head.

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