again? with the game?

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Day 3 of the "lessons" they didn't talk about types confession and he was fine with that. Each day type would go to tharns room at 7 to sit on the edge of the bed and have them begin.
Then at 8 he would leave.
By day 3 he was in a little bit of pain.
Akira had been asking type to accompany him to a lot jobs.
However, when he was tharn it all Seemed to disappear.
"Mmm move your tongue like mine."
Tharn instructed between there kisses.
Type Nodded then did just that.
Then tharn took one of his hands to put it on his chest. Tharn kept his hand over types has he gripped tharns shirt.
Tharn moved his mouth off it on his neck.
"Don't just keep your hands to your lap. Touch the other person."
Type Nodded while he bit his bottom lip.
Tharn was leaving little kisses on his neck.
Then tharns hand went up on types pants. He could feel his erection.
Tharn brought his head back to look down at type.
Type opened his eyes then looked down then forward narrowing his eyes.
Damn it!
Tharn looked to type.
"Remember something disgusting. "
Type closed his eyes and remembered a time when he saw his parents going to there room laughing. Type immediately got soft then shivered.
He took his hand back to his lap to look at the wall clock.
Tharns eyes narrowed.
Then bringing up his hand from types pants he pushed his body to the bed.
Type looked up at him.
He was on his knees then he took off his shirt. Types eyes went wide.
"What? What are you doing?"
Taking off his shirt he threw it wherever then he grabbed types arms to pin them on either side of his head by the wrists.
"What the hell tharn!"
He then got close to types face
"Don't get hard."
Type looked to tharn with narrowed eyes.
"No! Not this game again!"
Tharn smiled.
"You need to control yourself or the first time you make out you will ejaculate prematurely. Do you want that?"
Type gritted his teeth.
Hearing no other protestes he put his lips to types putting his tongue back in.
Type squeezed his eyes shut tight.
Don't get hard! Don't get hard!
They then wove there tongues in a over salivated wet manner. Type moaned into tharns mouth.
Tharn peered down to his pants but he was not getting hard.
Not wanting to lose the game he was going to up the anti.
Tharn took his tongue back to kiss types chin then go to his neck.
Type leaned his head to the side biting his bottom lip.
So good! Don't get hard! Dont..get.. hard!
Type then brought his legs up to put them on either side of tharns waist.
Tharn leaned his head back after leaving some kisses to peer down. His eye brows furrowed.
Damn it! How are you still not hard!
Then he thought for a moment he then looked to type.
"Take off your shirt."
Types eyes widen then he looked to tharn.
"Eventually you will...with..."
Tharn grimanced but composed himself.
Then type moved his wrists around to make tharn look up.
"If i let go will you?"
Type rolled his eyes.
He then nodded.
Tharn let go then leaned back to get on his knees, head cocked to the side waiting.
Type had to take a deep breathe first.
Closing his eyes he took his hands down to pull up his shirt, moving his back up while doing this action.
Tharn could see lightened brusies on types chest and stomach.
Biting his inner cheek he laid to the side of type putting his head in his palm.
Type then took off his shirt to throw it to the floor.
He looked to the clock once More.
"Mmm we only have."
Then with tharns free hand he brought it to types chin to move his head to his. They lathered each other's tongues in each others mouths.
Type squeezed his eyes shut. don't get hard! Even though this feels so good!
Tharn then took his hand down, with his fingers to run them across types nipples making him jump a bit at the sensation. No one had touch them like that. Was it because he liked tharn? this time was feeling more electric.
Type took a deep breathe has they continued to kiss.
Tharn then wanted to check so he ran his fingers down to types crotch,his eye brows furrowed.
Type smiled when he heard tharns sighing in frustration.
Then an idea came into his mind.
He shifted his body to the side, unlocking there kiss, to hover over tharn to pin his wrists above his head.
Tharn looked up at type who wore a devious smile.
Tharn eyes narrowed.
"What are you up too street rat?"
"Pay back for 6 years of you being a prick."
Tharn cocked his head to the side.
Type then leaned his face inches from tharn making him breathe heavily.
Tharn rose an eye brow.
Then type leaned his head down to tharns chest blowing air then leaving little nips.
Tharn shut his mouth in a hard line.
I have more control then you do type.
Type didn't know where this confident type came from to do such things but he felt good about doing them.
His eyes went to tharns nipple that was erect and took out his tongue to run circled around it.
Tharn opened his mouth to moan.
"Wwwho? Who taught you that?"
Type shrugged.
"The internet."
Tharn smiled.
"Dirty boy."
Type looked up then looked back down to his nipple to then suck on it.
Tharn body bucked up, he balled his fingers into fists then his member got hard.
After type stopped sucking he looked down to his erection to then see tharns. Taking his eyes back to tharn he had his eyes still closed he didn't know type had lost first.
Smiling he brought his head up to tharns.
Then he opened his eyes.
"I won!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes then peered down then looked back to type with a smile.
"Im sure its a tie. Dont try to tell me your not hard."
Types narrowed his eyes.
"Mmm what now?"
Tharn rose an eye brow.
Soon the boys were on the bed, moans erupted through the room.
Type was laying on his back with no pants, he gribbed one hand on tharns hair.
Tharn was hovering over him, one hand gripped the bed sheet while the other was stroking of type through his boxer hole. Type was doing the same to tharn through his boxer hole.
"Aaaah just Like that street rat! Mmm I'm so close. Are you?"
Type Nodded.
"Mmm ddont ddont sstop! Aaah so good." He moaned gripping his hair.
"Why would i stop! Aaaah faster!"
They then started to stroke and thrust faster.
"Mmm your getting good at this type! So so so good!"
"Aaaah ttharn I'm Gonna ccum!" "Mmmm ccum with me!"
Then tharn moved his head up to types lips.
They put there tongues in each other's mouths leaving wet kisses.
They moaned and breathed heavily into there kiss.
Then They both erupted.
They both thrusted slowly emptying there seed on each other hands.
There kissing started to slow down.
Then tharn moved his mouth to types throat kissing it.
Type leaned his head to the side closing his eyes.
"Mmm so good."
Tharn chuckled.
"Is it me or was that a bit more electric since your confession?"
Type eyes opened wide.
He took his hand off his member and from his neck to put them both on his chest to push tharn off to his side.
Tharn looked angerly at type who got quickly off the bed getting his clothes on.
"Hey!" Tharn whined.
Type stood still for a moment.
"Just because i said i like you doesn't mean i dont see you has an annoying bastard who was a gigantic asshole to me for 6 years."
Then he put on his shirt to then freeze with his hand on the door Nob.
"You still like this asshole who can make you cum. See you tomorrow type."
Type gritted his teeth.
He yelled over his shoulder, then he opened the door just to slam it.
Tharn shook his head and chuckled.

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