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"Nnnn so good."
Tharn was thrusting in type between his legs while he laid on his back with his arms tied behind his back.
He had no boxers or pants and his shirt was torn open.
Tharn was hovered over type with his arms to the side head hung.
"Aah I've missed this."
Type leaned his head up moaning.
"Oh god ive missed this too...mmm i love you tharn."
When type leaned his head to the side akira was there watching laying to his side with his hand in his palm with a dark smile.
Type shuttered.
"Guess my son can really fuck..."
Then he pulled out a gun pointing it at type while his body kept going up and down with the friction.
Then his stomach hurled forward.
Opening his eyes they darted everywhere.
Seeing tharn with a bucket tharn brought up his hand to pull it to the side of types face so type could puke.
With his head in the bucket he then took it out to move his head to the side breathing heavily.
Feeling something on his wrists he looked up. They were tied in a black rope around the head board around the poles.
He thrashed around trying to untie it just to lean his body to the side once more with tharn holding up the bucket to threw up.
After tharn put it down to grab a bottle of water.
Type laid on his back looking to the ceiling breathing heavily.
Tharn moved slightly up to put the bottle near his mouth.
Type looked to tharn with narrowed eyes.
He shook his head.
Twirling the cap opened type could tell it was new.
Type hesitated.
Tharn signed.
'If you don't drink you will get dehydrated."
"Un....tie me....then ill drink."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"How do i know you wont try to run?"
Types eyes darted.
"I....won't.... this is hurting me."
Sighing, he looked to type then down to his socks. Retrieving his family knife he leaned up with the bottle in one hand to cut the rope with the other.
Type brought down his hands slowly while tharn placed the bottle in one.
Sighing type got slowly, shakily up to open the bottle while tharn held his family knife in his hand with it opened.
Downing the contents he squeezed his eyes shut in pain.
"Mmm you lied?"
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
He then placed a hand over types forehead he was hot.
" Type you have a fever from the drug."
Tharn placed the knife in he's pocket.
Leaning back over he took off types jacket to then help him lay down.
Type laid to his side curling up a bit near tharn.
"Mmm this a asprodic?"
Tharn shook his head has he bent his body forward to get a towel wet in cold water.
Straightening up he leaned over to place it on his forehead.
"Its a sleep drug i made here. i guess i put to much in the bottle. My apologies."
Type groaned.
"You sick..... Twisted..." Then he groaned with his hands wrapped around his stomach.
Tharn looked sadly down.
"This is not what i intended type. I just wanted to talk to you. I didn't know you would drink so much."
Type darkly chuckled.
"Sure...blame...the victim you piece of shit!" He winced in pain.
Tharn got up to get medicine to help type sleep.
Going back over he held types chin up.
Type opened his eyes to eye the medication.
He looked to tharn putting his mouth in a hard line.
"Type..its for sleep. It is the only way. Please."
Types eyes narrowed then he looked to the pill.
"How can...i trust you...after the asprodic you...promised you would never..."
Type breathed heavily.
Tharn held up the bucket.
After tharn brought up more water Type downed it with tharns help.
"Type...if you don't take this...for another few hours you can be like this. This sleeping pill i did not make. I know i will have to gain it back but please trust me."
Type weakly looked to tharn then the pill.
Sighing deeply he opened his mouth.
Placing it in type swallowed. Tharn smiled.
"Good boy."
Types eyes darted to him.
"Screw you!"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Sleep type."
Tharn tried to get up but type gripped his arm making him sit back down. They glared at each other.
"You did this too can't just...leave." Types eyes started to drift.
"You...want me to stay?"
"No...." He slurred.
Type gripped harder then fell asleep.
Tharn smiled.
He leaned down to kiss his forehead.
"I wont leave type."
A few hours later he woke up with his eyes closed feeling wetness.
"Mmm." He groaned.
Leaning his head to the side he opened his eyes to see a blurry figure.
"Mmm mom?"
He had to blink a few times to see it was tharns mother.
She chuckled whipping his forehead.
"No dear I'm not yours."
Types eyes narrowed then He leaned his head up to see that he was tied again. He signed heavily to look at her.
She kept washing his face.
"Please untie me."
She sadly shook her head.
"I cant type. My son told me not too."
Type then felt a needle in his arm. Looking up he saw he was attached to an iv.
He leaned his head back to look forward.
"Sorry. We had to put that in. You were dehydrated. "
"Please let me go." He said between gritted teeth.
She brought up her hand to move his chin for him to look at her.
"Type, i can't. My son is hurting too. You two need to talk."
"I don't want to talk. Please. I saved your life. You have to untie me so i can go home."
She made an apologetic face then she looked to the rope.
Tharn was there With his body leaned to the door frame watching.
He took a deep breathe then walked forward.
"Mom. I'm sorry but can you leave us alone?"
She nodded.
Getting up she shuffled away while type looked to the other side ignoring tharn.
Tharn sat down has his mother closed the door with the towel and bucket of water.
On the other side of the door she looked down to the floor.
"Type...please listen to him."
Sighing, she walked off.

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