leaving the gang

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Type sat on the edge of the couch while akira looked at his phone trying too get tharn to come in 20 minutes.
Type was shaking.
When they were in the computer lab akira made type erase the only evidence he could take to tharn. Well not the only evidence.
Type sat there and he was coming up with plans of his own. He needed to leave the gang and hopefully not in a body bag. He knew it was not going to be easy but he needed to play akira.
With the knowledge tharn was going to come, type knew he had to go along with anything akira had planned.
Type needed to leave, unforententally he had to break tharns heart. However, he knew in the back of his mind tharn wouldn't believe. Would he?
Akira placed the phone to his side with the gun still on type.
Keep him talking.
"I can't believe you did that to your son, to the mother of your only child."
Type scoffed.
Akira leaned forward squinting his eyes with a dark smile.
"You have no idea what being a father and a mafia boss is all about. I also can't believe you had a crush on me and was fucking my son."
Type stopped shaking to take a deep breathe.
He looked to the side at akira.
Akira scoffed.
Then he leaned back.
"Took me some time. Didn't find out about it since the beginning of this month. One of tharns informits who followed me. Well...with some force he told me a few things. Then i started to observe."
Types eyes narrowed.
"How did you know i like..."
Akira cocked his head to the side.
Type rolled his eyes then looked forward. That was a guess and type just confirmed it.
"Wow. I thought something, since you were always so close."
Akira leaned to the side placing the gun to types temple.
"The feelings you had for me, is that why you fucked my son?"
Type made a sick noise.
Gritting his teeth he looked to akira not caring the gun was on him.
"Your son fucked me. I may had feelings for you but they were fake. I always loved your son."
Akiras eyes widen.
He brought the gun back to try and hit him then he shook his head.
"Can't leave a mark."
Types eyes narrowed.
"What...are you planning?"
"Your going to kiss me type and tharn will see it."
Types eyes widen.
"Why not just kill me?"
"Mmm. I know how my son feels about you. If you died or disappear he'll just obsess about it. I don't need that. Also i did see you has a son for 6 years type. Plus you did save me from that bullet."
Type started to breathe heavily.
"Why are you doing this to tharn? First what your doing to his..."
Akira gave type a death glare.
He pushed the gun further in making type wince.
"Here is what will happen type. In 10 minutes my son will walk in here thinking someone told him to come and get some materials. He will see you on top of me, giving me a passionate, real kiss. Then when he confronts you about it you will tell him i was your first lay. You will tell him, you and i have been secretly, behind his back fucking. You will tell him you got jealous of me talking to girls so you wanted to make me jealous by fucking him or however you two are going about this. Type, you will tell him all of this if you dont want to leave here in a body bag."
Type shuttered at what he heard.
"How...how do i know you wont kill me?"
Akira smiled.
There heads snapped up when they heard foot steps echoing from the hall.
Akira placed the gun under the couch then he pulled type on top of him.
Type looked down at him shuttering.
"Either you do this or i will kill you. Or i might have to kill tharn."
Types eyes widen.
"You would...?"
The steps started to get closer.
Akira Pulled types face down there lips touched.
Type made a sour disgusted face.
Akira took his tongue out seeking entrance.
Type had a hand on the couch gripping it.
Type you need to leave and not dead, do this for tharn. Think of tharn. He needs you too do this for him.
Letting a tear fall, with his free hand he whipped it away to place his hand to akiras neck allowing his tongue in.
Type thought of tharn.
Tharn opened the door to look up, breathing hard, his eyes darted between the two. He could not believe his eyes.
Type was on top of his father locked in a passionate kiss.
Akira acted shocked then leaned type off. Type couldn't even look, he kept his eyes on akira.
Tharn saw red.
Walking forward he grabbed type off by pulling his wrist to throw him to a wall.
He gave type a stomach punch, type went down, tharn gave him a knee kick in the same place where he punched him, on the floor Type cluched his stomach, his body bent forward his head hung.
Akira sat on the edge with a wide smirk.
Tharn brought up his knee to kick type in the chin making him fall to the side to spit blood onto the floor, tharn then kept kicking type in the stomach.
Akira forgot for a moment they were suppose to have been in a relationship.
He had to stop this.
Getting up he got to the side of Tharn to push him off.
Type breathed heavily spitting more blood to the floor He clutched his stomach wincing.
He never thought tharn would do anything like that to him. Type didn't think tharn would believe his eyes. At that moment anything type may have felt for tharn was over. Now all he wanted to do was leave and never look back.
Akira looked to tharn who kept his eyes to type breathing heavily. He couldn't believe what he saw, he also couldn't believe what he had just done to type. Tharn felt disgusted with himself but he had seen red.
"Tharn! What is the Matter with you! Why are you doing this too.."
Akira took his hand from his shoulder, with narrowed eyes.
"If i do i need to know your not going to hurt my boyfriend anymore."
Type coughed hiding his disgust.
Tharn shook.
Akira nodded.
He looked down with fake concern then he turned leaving with a smile. Everything was going according to his plan. Tharn was going to kick him out of the gang.
Leaving, he closed the door.
Tharn had to take a few calming breathes. Type just laid to the floor, spitting out the blood Still clutching his stomach.
Tharn bend down to grab type by his collar bringing him up. He then placed his hands around his throat giving it a slight squeeze. Type placed his hands to tharns wrists. Tharns eyes darted.
"Tell me it's not true! Tell me this is all a lie! Your not his! What the fuck is going on type!"
Type gritted his teeth. Go along with akiras plan type. Get the hell out of here, expose akira even though you and tharn are over.
Type took a deep breathe.
"Its...." He winced in pain.
"All true. Im...his tharn."
Tharn breathed heavily he gave types neck a squeeze.
He winced not being able to breathe.
Tharn let go a bit for type to cough and take a deep shaky inhale.
"Explain! Now!" Tharn said between gritted teeth.
"He was my.....first Tharn...seeing him with all those girls...i got jealous....that's Why i allowed you tooo..." Type breathed in heavily.
He believes it type.
Type looked down sullenly. He couldn't believe tharn believed all of this. Love i guess isn't enough.
Tharn then threw type to the side.
He stood there balling his fists,shaking.
Tharn had his eyes closed, fuming.
Type stood slightly up breathing heavily looking down to the floor.
Maybe tharn never really loved you, how could he truly believe all of this.
Type took a shaky gulp.
Tharn had to take a deep breathe.
"Was anything between us....real?"
Type grimanced.
Type fought hard against the tears.
Tharn quivered.
"Get out Type! Get the fuck out and never ever come back!"
Type let the tears fall. Opening his eyes Type quickly, has he could, he left closing the door silently.
Tharn fell to the floor wrapping his arms around his chest hyperventilating.
Akira had he's back leaned to the wall looking darkly at type with a smile.
Type had his head hung, clutching his stomach.
"Did he throw you out?"
Type nodded.
"Does he believe everything? Did you tell him the story?"
Type nodded.
Taking his legs forward he walked to leave.
Akira stopped him to stand behind him placing his hands to his shoulder, mouth to his ear.
"Live in fear that one day you might get a hit put on you. However, now no matter what you do he will never believe what you found. Now get the fuck out of my gang!"
Akira gave him a push.
Type took a deep inhale.
He stopped by his room getting the money he had hidden plus a few clothes.
Type left the compound to complete one last job for tharn. Then he made a promise to himself. Once completed you will never see those two again.
Walking away he knew what he had too do.

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