Chapter 7: Food for Thoughts

Start from the beginning

''Is that how you normally prepare bacon?'' the girl inquired, tilting her head to the side like a curious puppy.

Jin tried his best to control his laughter, but it couldn't be helped and he chuckled while patting Yu on her head.

''No, cooking usually isn't that dangerous!'' he said jokingly.

''I don't know much about cooking, but don't you worry Jin-oppa, I'll watch your back...'' Yu said with a concerned look.

She didn't know her own age, so he wasn't 100% sure she was younger than him, but since he was the eldest in the pack, being called oppa felt natural.

Actually, it better than natural; it felt sweet.

''Sure, watch my back and make sure I don't burn the bacon again! While we're here, I'll teach you more about the things we have in the kitchen...'''

He took the girl by the waist and sat her on the counter top where she gave him a thumbs-up as a reply.

Jin smiled soflty, Namjoon had told him that she was scary strong and to watch out around her, but he didn't buy it. To him, she was as cute and harmless as a puppy.

The smell of bacon cooking couldn't go unnoticed in a house full of wolves and soon all seven men were in the kitchen, chatting around the table. The only exception was Yoongi, staring blankly in front of him, like his brain was still asleep, independent from the rest of his body....

Yu was standing next to Jin, like hypnotized by the way he manipulated the food. When he took out a knife to slice up some oranges, the girl jumped back and tripped on a chair.

''Carefull!'' Hoseok said jumping to his feet.

Before Yu could fall, strong arms caught her from behind.

''Nice catch Jungkook!'' Jin complimented.

Yu turned her head and met the eyes of the man she had punched in the face on their first encounter.

As soon as he noticed she was looking at him, Jungkook's face turned bright red and he started mumbling some incoherent words.

He had acted on instinct and his brain had stopped functioning the moment he realised he was holding her girl in his arms.

Girls were already scary to him as a concept, but Yu had proven that she was much scarier than the average girl so it only made him that much more terrified of her.

It took Hoseok patting him on the back for him to unfreeze and let go of Yu.

''I think the knife is scaring her, hyung...'' Hoseok said before Jin put the blade down on the counter. Yu's expression immediately got calmer.

''Why don't you come sit at the table?'' he suggested with his signature smile, bright enough to light your way in the dark.

The girl let Hoseok escort her to a chair and just as she sat down, a plate was put in front of her.

She found it strange.

Hierarchy dictated the order in which wolves fed so it made no sense to her that she was the first to eat, that honor was reserved to the alpha and the one who had made the kill... 

Once everyone was served the men all said in a single voice ''Thanks for the meal'' and simultaneously reached for their chopsticks. The lack of hierarchy took Yu aback, but hunger mattered more than her questions for now.

She grabbed a handful of bacon and unceremoniously shoved it in her mouth.

Silence set around the table, while some were shocked by her lack of table manners, the rest were mostly amused.

''Let me show you how to use chopsticks...'' Jin suggested with a corner smile.

''Why? Her way is much faster!'' Taehuyng said, imitating Yu by grabbing all the bacon in his plate with his bare hand and shoving it in his mouth

Jungkook and Jimin started laughing, which in turn made Taehuyng chuckle and choke on his huge bite.

Now the rest of the table was laughing too.

Even Yu cracked a smile from seeing the men laugh so happily. Their laughter made her feel lighter somehow. She felt a bit disappointed that she had to leave their pack as soon as she was healed, they seemed like fun...

 She felt a bit disappointed that she had to leave their pack as soon as she was healed, they seemed like fun

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