"it's not too far from here," i heard him telling luke. ashton was sitting on the sofa playing on his phone, so i plopped down next to him.

"i'm assuming you're our driver?" i asked him, feeling kind of bad. ashton was always driving us around, hopefully he still enjoyed hanging out with everyone.

"actually, luke offered to drive us." when i glanced over at luke he just shrugged it off and continued watching the tv. i stood to go into my room and change, luke following quickly.

"what made you volunteer for this?" i asked him, sifting through my closet for something to wear.

"figured i would give ash the night off." i smiled at his words before pulling out one of rose's skirts i had accumulated. luke laid on my bed silently as i tried different tops on, trying to make a cute outfit.

"i like that one," luke said as i pulled on the third top. i glanced at myself in the mirror and decided i agreed with him.

"you should keep an eye on calum tonight," i said, earning a confused look.

"are you worried about him?" i gently sat on my bed next to him with a sigh. was i worried about calum? i was worried about his feelings for rose, about how weird he was being since she left.

"don't be so jealous," i joked, avoiding his question. he didn't push any further as his phone buzzed. it was michael with an excuse for not going out with us. again.

i sat for a few more seconds as luke responded, my annoyance growing. luke didn't seem to notice as he slid his phone back into his pocket. when he glanced up at me his eyebrows knitted together, so i decided to not focus on mikey now.

"your turn!" i exclaimed as i stood, grabbing his hand and leading him into his own room. i picked my favorite of luke's shirts from his closet and threw it at him. he changed into the shirt with a smile as i just watched him. he was very pretty. i heard the front door open and quickly left luke's room, seeing aiden walk in.

"katie!" i sent him a smile as luke and i joined everyone in the living room. we sat around for a few minutes before luke started growing impatient. He began bouncing his knee up and down, glancing at his watch every so often.

"you okay?" i asked, glancing up at him. his eyes softened as he nodded, wrapping an arm around my waist. a few minutes later we were all standing and going out to ashton's car, luke and i in the front for the first time. it felt odd, moving from the back row with him to passenger side. he fumbled with the radio constantly, switching channels to find a new song every time there was an ad. it was adorable. we pulled up to the house slowly. it was after eleven, so the house seemed to be swarming with people. i followed the boys in, luke holding his water bottle in one hand and mine in the other. calum led us into the kitchen, a clear container of pink liquid and a stack of cups sitting on the counter. ashton handed everyone besides luke a cup. i took a large gulp, the cold strawberry juice feeling sweet on my teeth. it did taste delicious though. calum gulped his cup down quickly before refilling it.

"cal," luke warned, shooting him a look. calum just pretended not to notice and turned around to find a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses. i heard luke scoff as ashton cheered.

"lighten up, hemmings," aiden called over the music before snatching one of the glasses. he poured a shot before handing it out to me. i giggled a little before taking the shot, using the delicious juice as my chaser.

"easy," luke whispered, his lips right against my ear. my cheeks flushed a little as i set the glass down and took another sip from my cup. when i turned to ashton and calum they were bickering about something, calum pouring what could have been his second or third shot. maybe it was time to leave the kitchen.

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