"Why does he want to marry Evelana so desperately that he would take the one person most dear to the most dangerous warrior alive?" I asked, my voice calm and cold.

Letting go of my wrist, Levi sighed. Levian answered for him, "He desires her beauty and wants her for himself."

"Great, another Rabadash," I muttered, "Where is Evelana now?"

"Archenland, I sent her home the moment Lord Ali asked to marry her, something about him put me off," Levi replied. I nodded.

"Well either way, Erlian is discussing the Calormen conflict so we should probably go," I explained, remembering why I had come in the first place. The two brothers followed out after me and I allowed my mind to wander.

"Shifra catch me!" a Zori shouted, jumping out of a tree and landing on an area of compressed air. Her grey eyes filled with joy as I lowly lowed her to the ground.

I sat down on the ground next to her. "Zori, there's something I need to talk to you about."

I began to pull at the grass as she replied, "Ok, what is it?"

"Well, as you know, I'm not around a lot," I started cautiously, "and I'm not always here for you when you need me."

"Well that's ok Shifra, I understand," the thirteen-year-old replied, smiling and I continued tugging at the grass, refusing to meet her gaze.

"Well thank you, but you need someone who can spend more time with you. So, I have arranged for you to live in another court with my Godsons, Levi and Levian. Their both only two years older and you could spend time with them and always have people around you to protect you," I explained.

She turned to look at me, still smiling. "But you'd come with me right?" A lump formed in my throat as I looked away from her. Confused, she added, "You said you'd always be there for me."

My head darted up and I replied quickly, "Zori, I will always be there for you, but my duty is first to Narnia and second to Archenland, but I can visit as often as you want." Although she was still saddened, she tried to act happy for my sake.
Two Years Later
Landing in the courtyard, Zori rushed to my side to embrace me. "Shifra!" she shouted. Levi and Levian came to my side next.

"Godmother, it is delightful to see you again," Levi greeted.

"Simply splendid," added Levian.

"Absolutely superb," Zori joked, adding on to their remarks. Chuckling, I drew from my side a bundle. "Have you brought us something?" Zori asked curiously.

I smiled and replied, "Of course I did." I drew out three keys and handed one to each of them. Levi was carefully examining his and suddenly smirked, recognizing it for what it was.

"You didn't," he exclaimed in disbelief.

Zori looked curiously at him and asked, "What is it?" Still smirking he motioned for her to follow him. A few paces behind, Levian and I followed.

"They've certainly gotten close," I commented, a small smirk curling my lips.

"They're inseparable," Levian retorted, playful annoyance glittering his tone. "I suspect there's more going on between them, but every time I ask Levi denies it."

"Oh, but just look at that, it's so obvious," I counter, for they were certainly acting like a couple. Levi held his hand in his and as we watched, he brought her hand up to his lips, resulting in a deep blush to rise in Zori's cheeks. "How about you, Levian? Any adventures in the lands of love?"

Chuckling at my word choice, Levian replied, "I've my eye on one, but I doubt it would be approved of."

"Oh?" I replied, curious as to who it might be.

"She's not exactly of noble standing," he admired. "When I was young and Levi was off with Father learning how to be a king, I was left mostly on my own, but the daughter of one of the maids would always find me. We'd play together for hours and as time went on we began great friends, and I grew to love her."

"But she is the daughter of a maid, so you fear she would not be approved of," I finish for him. He nodded, swallowing a lump from his throat. I stopped and Levian stopped with me, curious as to what I had to say. "A life without love is a life unlived. If you love her, go to her, and if your father or anyone has anything to say about it, then have them talk to me."

"Where you ever in love?" Levian asked as we contained to follow after the other two.

"Once," I replied wistfully, "He was a good man, but I wasn't the one for him and he wasn't the one for me. I may one day find someone for me, but he wasn't him."

"Who was it, if I may ask?"

With a sigh, I answered, "King Caspian." Comfortable silence stretched until we reach the stables and in them Levi came out of one of the stalls triumphantly.

"I found our gifts!" Levi exclaimed. Zori I had given a horse and sword, Levi a sword and set of throwing knives, and Levian a new sword and a pair of daggers and their sheaths.
"Godmother?" Levi's voice broke into my memories. I looked up to show my attention, "Throne room?" I nodded and so we went.

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