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Wow, this is the longest chapter I've ever written for this series. It's literally 3000+ characters so be ready!! Why did I do this? I don't wanna break chapters so yeah. I was planning to make this the finale, but then I wanted to have a heartwarming little event before the ending is revealed :D 

IM SO DUMB- since it's 3000 words I got overwhelmed and theres some errors ( edit)



>>Saturday Morning<<

Woojin and Jeongin kept talking on the phone since 3 am. Now the sun has been peeking a bit.

Although Woojin was learning for the last senior exams, which was due in less than two months, he didn't care and kept listening to all on the blabber that Jeongin had to offer while he could learn. It made him a lot more excited to learn somehow.

"And there's this one time, Chan freaking pushed me because Sehyoon was there!" Jeongin said, with a high-pitched tone, "I freaking fall, and he just left me alone."

"Jeongin..." Woojin looked down, still focusing on his workbook, "why didn't you tell all about this from the start? A long time you said you will always lean on me whenever you're in a hard time."

"I'm..." Jeongin paused, his throat dries, "I'm sorry Hyung. I didn't think it was something important to you..."

"Even if for you it isn't important, for me it's always important."

"Thanks, Hyung," Jeongin's voice sounded soft and sincere, "love you."

For a second, Woojin was jumped. He didn't know how to react, his face was turning peach. His heartbeat started beating fast.

He questions himself why did he feel that way.

"No- no Hyung! No homo!" Jeongin laughed after the silence.

"Right, a gay ass like you would say no homo," Woojin chuckled and shook his head, trying to focus his eyes on the book again, but his short breath isn't helping.

"But, love you too Jeongin."

Then the message notification makes a loud "TING!"
((Woojin POV))

Minho's bf: Hei! I and Minho are planning to go somewhere today, wanna join?

You: Wow, I'll maybe join

You: BTW you two are already good with each other? That's cool.

Jeongin's EX bf: OhhHH I'll join.

You: Nvm

You: My mom says I have to walk my goldfish with Jeongin

"What the fuck Hyung?" Jeongin burst out of laughter.

Jeongin's EX bf: eye-

Jeonginnie💛: Yeah, walking Woojin hyung's goldfish is a hard work
Jeonginnie💛: That's why he needs my help 😔

Seungminnie💛: Wh- what

Seungminnie💛: Jeongin and Woojin Hyung, this ain't yourself 😂

Jeonginnie💛: Really? Do I feeling heartbroken and crying out in my room until 3 am too clear?
"TOO OBVIOUS, JEONGIN.." Woojin yelled in a cheerful tone.

Seungmin's bf: what

Seungmin's bf: did y'all broke up

Felixie: whatwhatwhaaat

ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ, ᵇᵒᵒᵏʷᵒʳᵐ-seungjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora