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GOT MY PHONE BACK!! IM SOO HAPPY ^_^ My goal to finish this ff is until I got my phone back but- this story came out longer than I expected. I was planning 15-20 chaps, but like, fuck it! It's chapter 17 and there is still so many to unfold. BTW enjoy~~

oh and ps. I want to say I probably won't upload next week because I'm going on a trip with my school, and then after that trip I will be going put of town to go to my grandparents house!

"Guys! What happened!" Chan was the first one to came out to Jisung and Minho, looking at their condition.

"Is Jisung okay?" Chan said as Minho looked at him.

After that everyone else runs to the door and sees what has happened. Jisung hasn't said a word yet, and Minho has been focusing on calming down Jisung. Jisung was frozen in that position while sobbing, and everyone tried to help to bring Jisung into the living room.

"Jisung, I promise it's going to be okay..." Minho patted on Jisung's back, while tears fall to Minho's shoulders.

"It- It's not," Jisung said in a small voice

"Minho and umm.. yeah. Can you tell me what happened? I mean maybe I can help you." Jeongin mom's said.

"We may be can help you," Chan said.

"Tell them?" Minho whispers to Jisung's ears.


"Check our classmate's Insta or Twitter and you'll understand," Minho said, "like, it's pretty bad." 

Then everyone gets their phone out, and then everyone was talking about "Jisung Minho dating" and there was an accident where the student organization  "accidentally" spilled out Minho and Jisung's photo when they had a date and kissed in a bakery. The fact that they had that picture was weird, that the fact that someone probably stalks Jisung and Minho in their date.

"We got a shower of hate through our social media, and it has gone to the point where the teachers knew it too. And Jisung is so scared that his parents would somehow find out." Minho continued.

"Wow, who the fuck stalks like this." Jeongin shook his head, "I swear if I find the person I'm so going to kill him." 

"I know RIGHT! Like this is so wrong on so many levels!" Felix shrugged.

"Wow a bitch had the audacity to stalk you guys," Woojin said.

"I swear I'm going to kill whoever does this," Minho said with a heavy voice.

"No, our motorcycle gang is going to kill that person," Changbin said.

Jeongin went to the kitchen to search for some tissues, while Jeongin's mom served Jisung some warm water. Jisung had been quiet calmer, but he was still trembling of the worries he felt deeply after the incident. Minho was very confrontational, which none of the members expect from a Minho. 

"I'm scared, Minho," Jisung said with a desperate voice.

"It'll be fine." Minho grabbed Jisung's hands and smiled.

"What will my parents think about me? Or what will happen?" Jisung looked down.

"Hei, hey, keep your chin up, be confident," Minho lifted Jisung's chin, showing a Jisung whose face was red, "life is sometimes a pussy. But sometimes life is also happiness and cheers. We need to be strong." 

Jisung smiled at Minho painfully, "Thanks." 

"Aww, you both are so cute!" Felix was hyping on the back.

"Thanks, Felix," Minho said.

"I'm just telling the truth," Felix answered.

Then they had some fun while talking about more and more books. Seungmin was once again deep in his book, ignoring the view of what's happening. It's not that nobody likes that Seungmin kept reading and reading, but the fact that he went this far to Jeongin's house, just to read some books than socializing with his best friends.

"How long has this happened?" Felix whispered to Woojin.


 "Seungmin Hyung is acting weird, don't you see?" Felix pointed at Seungmin who was reading at the edge of the room, making himself a ball and read a book, all alone.

 "I think he likes Jeongin." Hyunjin randomly says as he just started eavesdropping both Felix and Woojin, "I mean it. It looks like he is whipped for Jeongin." 

"What?" Jeongin started to get shocked, "Really?" 

"What?!" Felix was confused, "We were talking about Seungmin being oddly quiet! Not that he has someone special in his heart."

"Oh, sorry then." Hyunjin gave off an awkward smile, in hopes to make the situation a bit better.

"But Hyunjin, I'm curious about why you think Seungmin likes me? I just think he doesn't see me more as a friend." 

"Because he always, always talk about you. You do this, you do that. He would tell me everything that he can think of." 

"Oh, but I think your predictions might be off. I mean, I don't see him as more as a friend and I don't see him thinking like that." Jeongin said as he shook his head.

Their conversation was cut off by the loud shouting all over the living room. Nine teenagers in the room were too much to hope for some silence, even Jeongin's mom had given up by putting earphones and probably blasting songs in full volume.

"JEONGINN NO! YOU SPILLED THE SAUCE ALL OVER ME!" Chan was looking at his shirt, panicking.


"JISUNG?" Minho shouted.

It was all laughs and jokes until Jisung, who seemed to be in better condition, suddenly lie weakly on the sofa and his eyes suddenly shut down, with his head leaning forward. Before he fell more, Minho was able to grab his body.

He then layed back Jisung to the sofa, while the others seem to be panicking a lot, Woojin remained calm and told Minho to lie Jisung down, while the head must be lifted a bit. 

After a second, Jisung jumped and opened his eyes, while opening his mouth on surprise.  It was all a blur, he couldn't help but to not remember clearly, and his breath felt so fast, he wasn't able to control it. Everyone looked him in many worries, but he can't seem to think clearly about what has happened.

"Jisung, you okay?" Minho said.

"Can you ride me home? Or at least your home?" Jisung said with a small voice.

Minho nodded as he got up and give the boys a goodbye, while Jisung just waved as he was held tight to Minho. Everyone went outside, looking at Minho and Jisung getting up to a big, black motorcycle while they waved goodbye and the motorcycle started to go in a high speed, and dissapeared.

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