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I'm writing chapter 11 and I'm stuck lmao. Send help. BTW I'll stay in my grandma's house out of town for around five days, and I want to spend that time with my family. So some days might have no update after this, I hope yall can understand.

"Look, I'm sorry I punched you Hyunjin. I knew it wasn't your fault." Jisung's sob was still heard.

"It's okay. I hope I can still be your friend tho."

"Thank you for accepting me. I hope we still chat a lot, because probably we will never allowed to be seen together at school."

Hyunjin chuckled,"I think I'm gonna join your literature gang or whatsoever. I'm done with Sehyoon's shit at this point."

"You don't have to risk it. I mean Sehyoon is scary you know."

"I'm just gonna say to Sehyoon's face, "I'm gay and I'm done with ur bullshits." and then just go away."

"Did you just come out to me?"

"Yeah I did and why not."

"Hey so ummm... I'm busy with Minho right now... so goodbye?"


"Was that Jisung?" Seungmin asked.

"Yea." Hyunjin said as he sees Seungmin chilling with his book, "I think I'm totally gonna dump them."

Hyunjin looked at his phone, to see once again the time is 19:00. It's getting late and he thinks it's time for Seungmin to go home.

"Hey, it's getting late. If you wanna borrow that book it's no big deal."

Seungmin shook his head, "Nah, I'm lazy. Once I read a book I read a book, and no one's stopping me."

"I mean... Except your parents who would be angry if you go home late." Hyunjin chuckled.

"I don't live with my parents. I live alone." Seungmin said with a chill tone. His eyes didn't move an inch from the book he was reading.

Hyunjin jumped, "What?"

"My parents got a new job outside this town , and because I was already schooled here, we decided to let me live alone."

Hyunjin nodded, and they started reading again, until Hyunjin's mom slammed the door open to call them for dinner. Seungmin just froze for a second, thinking he was to shy to follow Hyunjin, but then Hyunjin's mom called Seungmin's name too and invited him to dinner.

They went downstairs, greeted by a dinner table who looks majestic. The food was a lot, which made Seungmin confused. Why does it have so many foods? It was weird since he didn't see a lot of family members at the house.

They sat together, there was Seungmin, Hyunjin, Ms. Hwang and a noticable high figure, which probably is Mr.Hwang himself, because some similirarities of facial features to Hyunjin. The guy smiled at Seungmin, and he smiled back.

Then, all the maids and cooks sat in the chairs, and they started eating. It was chaotic, loud and full of laughs. The family members and the maids and the cooks was already looking like one family.

"Do you all gather like this every dinner?" Seungmin whispered to Hyunjin.

"Nah this is usually only at Fridays and Saturdays, and sometimes Sundays. It's pretty fun don't you think?"

Seungmin liked the dinner, so much. The food was tasty, ofcourse, but what he loves the most is the feeling of family. As someone who lives alone, he sometimes miss the feeling of having dinner together.

"ASK hIM!" a maid with blonde hair whispered to a short black hair maid. It was intended as a whisper but it got so loud the whole dining room could hear it.

"Hey Hyunjin," the maid with black short hair asked,"So who's this? Your boyfriend?"

"COME ON HYEJIN NOONA we are friends? Can't you see?" Hyunjin was starting to get heated up.

"Nope." Hyejin and Ms,Hwang said at the same time.

They finished their dinner while everyone was shipping both of them like crazy. Seungmin thinks it's time to go home. He packed his schoolbag, asked to borrow Ms. Hwang's book, and was already ready to go home.

"Seungmin, can you stay for the night?" Hyunjin asked.

"Ummm... I don't know." Seungmin said, he looked back at Hyunjin. He wants to, but he felt to awkward to accept.


"Why?" Seungmin raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. I mean being with you is pretty fun." Hyunjin said.

Seungmin sighed, "Okay, I guess. Just ask your parents. I don't wanna bother you guys."

"MOM SEUNGMIN IS STAYING OVER AND I DO NOT ACCEPT A NO YEET." Hyunjin said as he pulled Seungmin.


Then, Hyunjin showed Seungmin the previous room that he has seen. Hyunjin bought a few of his clothes and let Seungmin pick. Seungmin picked a peach oversived shirt and black jogging pants. He went to a bath, and Hyunjin played his phone on the bed.


Moonstar yeehaw: Hello bro can I come tomorrow early?

Moonstar yeehaw: Or do you wanna play to meh house?

Moonstar yeehaw- Or somewhere else?

You- I have friend staying over

Moonstar yeehaw- Oh mY who dat be

You- Seungmin

Moonstar yeehaw- * gasps * are you dating him?? That escalated quickly.

You- mOONbYuL No.

You- It's just a little crush rn? idk if I LIKE him that much

Moonstar yeehaw-lol okay

Moonstar yeehaw- Wish chu the best bro :)

Moonstar yeehaw- Hey but can I join to ur house next morning??

You- Ok that sounds cool enough


"HYUUUNJIIIN WEEEEE...." Seungmin jumped and dive into the bed, hugging Hyunjin tightly. Hyunjin's heart beating fast, he was full of joy. Altough.... he might have feeled that the hug was getting too tight.

"That was too tight." Hyunjin said. Seungmin released his hug, to show a little cute Seungmin with a shirt that was so oversived that his hands and neck is drowned to the shirt. It looked so good in Seungmin.

"lol sorry not sorry."

Hyunjin was so into Seungmin's cute aura so much he didn't pay attention to what Seungmin was saying.

"HeLLO are you hearing me?" Seungmin said.

"Shit I was thinking about how cute you a-" Hyunjin paused, realizing his dumbness, "outfit are. I mean what your wearing right now. I should really use it more."

Seungmin thought Hyunjin was gonna compliment him. His heart was almost at electric shock, but now he felt a bit dissapointed. He tried to brush it off.

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