Chapter 25

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*Harry's P.O.V*

I can't fucking sleep with this weight on my stomach. I just can't, maybe Kendra won't know, no ever since she got back she's been waking up earlier then me.

I looked at the clock and saw it was already 5:30 in the morning. I wish I kept my mother shut about pregnant women. Just then Liam came into my room.

"Kendra's water broke, I need you to help me get her to the hospital"

"Alright, but can you help me up?" He sighed and grabbed my hands and helped me sit up then stand. We walked to his room and I saw Kendra sitting on the bed and in pain.

"God dammit!" She yelled then sighed

"Harry grab the bag, I've got Kendra" Liam said and pointed to a bag in the corner of the room. I picked it up and Liam picked up Kendra. We went to his car and Liam put Kendra in the back while I got in the passenger side. I was about to take off the weight when Kendra yelled at me

"We made a bet you have to keep that fucking thing on"

"But we are going to a hospital"

"So? Keep it on!"

"Alright I'm keeping it on" after a few seconds Kendra started screaming again. Hopefully this won't be along ride.


We got to the hospital and I was separated from Liam and Kendra and had to wait in the waiting room. People we giving me weird questioning looks but no one spoke to me. After sitting for 10 minutes in awkward silence a little girl came up to me.

"Are you a girl?"

"Nope I'm a guy"

"Then why are you pregnant?"

"Because I'm stupid and made a bet"

"So you are pregnant?"

"No, this is a weight that makes me look pregnant"

"Aren't you Harry Styles?"

"Yes I am"

"I thought you would be smarter" she then walked away. Thanks kid, thanks.

*Kendra's P.O.V*

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!" I yelled as the contractions started coming every 4 seconds.

"Kendra I'm going to need you to push on your next contraction" I just nodded and held Liam's hand tighter. On my next contraction the doctor kept telling me to push and holy shit it hurt like a bitch.

After a few minutes I heard crying, oh my god its over, thank god its over. I felt like passing out at that moment, it was so painful, I never want to go through that again.

"Here you go Kendra" the doctor said handing me Leia. She was still crying but it wasn't that loud.

"Hey baby, you're ok, everything is ok" Liam smiled at me and then at Leia. I got to sit back up and then had to feed her.


It's been an hour since Leia was born and the guys are finally coming in to see her.

"She's adorable" Liam whispered in my ear

"I've been thinking what if she was yours"

"I've don't know, we could do a DNA test"

"I've think we should, just in case"

"Hey" Niall said peeping his head in the room then opening it all the way. All the guys came in and walked towards us

"She's so cute" Louis said

"Can I take this off?" Harry asked

"What time did you have her?"

"An hour ago"

"Aww she's only an hour old?"


"Seriously can I take this off?"

"She kind of looks like Liam"

"Yeah she does, maybe she's Liam's and not Ryan's"

"Can I seriously take this off?"

"I think she's Liam's" I said completely ignoring Harry for the third time. The doctor then came in

"How's everything going Kendra?" He asked

"Everything's fine, but I was wondering if there was any test we could do and find out who's the father of Leia"

"Of course, I'll be right back" he walked out of the room and everyone grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Can I please take this off, I the waiting room a little girl asked me if I was a girl"

"Fine bets off, but now you know being pregnant isn't easy, and giving birth is so painful"

"I believe you"

"Alright I'm back" he took a cotton swab that was on the end of a stick and swiped it on the inside of Leia's mouth against her cheek and Liam did the same but to himself. The doctor then took the swabs and left the room. Next time he walks in that door I'll know who the father to Leia is.

After about 15 minutes the doctor came back.

"The father is-"








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