Chapter 17

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*Liam's P.O.V*

It's been a week since Kendra and I had sex for the first time with each other and Kendra has been acting weird lately. She's starting to worry me, I feel like she's keeping something from me.

The guys and I have a photo shoot for our new album and Kendra decided to stay at the house like she knew something was going to happen.

"Are you sure you want to stay here by yourself?"

"Yeah, I'll text you if I want to go see the shoot"

"Alright, I love you bye"

"I love you too, bye" I gave her a kiss then left. We all got in the same car and drove off to our photo shoot.

"Is something wrong with Kendra? She's been acting different lately" Zayn asked

"I've noticed it too and I have no clue what's going on"

"Have you asked her if something was bothering her?"

"I've tried but she just changes the subject"

"Maybe she'll tell you soon"


*Kendra's P.O.V*

El walked into the room and picked up the object that held the answer. Her eyes widened with shock and looked at me.

"A pregnancy test?"

"What does it say?"

"Looks like you're a momma"

"Oh my god" I said as a smile came to my face

"Oh my god! Kendra! You're going to be a mother! And Liam is going to be a father!"

"I can't believe it"

"How are you going to tell him? How are you going to tell the guys?"

"Shit I have to tell them"

"Yeah you do, how long has it been since you took the test?"

"3 hours"

"You waited 3 hours!?"

"I was nervous to find out the answer"

"I would be too" the guys then entered the house

"Hello girls, how was your day" Harry asked sitting on the couch next to me

"It was nice" I got up and walked over to El and secretly took the pregnancy test from her. I walked into the bathroom and wrapped toilet paper around it then threw it in the trash. When I walked out Liam called me over to him and we went to his room

"Kendra is there something bugging you?"

"Not so much bugging me"

"What do you mean"

"I don't really know how to say this, I think I'll just be straight forward with this" I took a deep breath and couldn't find myself saying it

"Kendra? What's going on?"

"Liam, I'm pregnant" he just starred at me in shock then he smiled at me and kissed me

"We're going to be parents" he smiled from ear to ear and gave me another kiss.


"How will we tell the guys?"

"Do we have to tell them?"

"Yeah, I think we do"

*Eleanor's P.O.V*

"What's Kendra hiding El?" Niall asked me. All the guys were surrounding me except Liam who was talking to Kendra. They know I know something but I'm not telling them.

"It's not my place to tell"

"Come on El, we won't tell Kendra we know"

"It's not my place"

"Just tell us and we will let you go"

"No" Kendra and Liam then came out of Liam's room holding hands and smiling "thank goodness you're back, they're annoying me"

"Guys leave El alone, she isn't going to tell you anything"

"How did you know we wanted to know something?"

"Just a hunch"

"Is there something you aren't telling us?" Louis asked and hit the back of his head

"Here goes nothing" Liam said then took a deep breath "Kendra's pregnant" the guys just starred at them with wide eyes, and I gave them both hugs

"Who's the godparents?" I asked excitedly

"We just found out today, we don't have godparents yet"

*unknown P.O.V*

"Hey boss, why are you calling?"

"She's pregnant"


"Kendra is pregnant"

"She's with someone? I thought you said she was single"

"I lied ok, but I know you still want her back, and the guy she's with will get over she once I ask him out"

"I do still want her, and I'll make sure that baby is never born" I don't want some other man's baby calling me dad so I'll have to get rid of that one

"Good, I have to go, see you later Ryan"

"See you later Lucy"






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