Chapter 21

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*third person P.O.V*

It was the night of the third day. All the guys kept telling Liam it was too late but Liam didn't stop looking for Kendra. Lucy stayed with him directing him from where Ryan held Kendra.

He was broken, but he stayed strong. He didn't want to believe she was dead. Lucy tried to get him to stop as well but he didn't listen. He wanted Kendra by his side, he wanted to be with Kendra for the rest of his life.

When midnight struck Liam still didn't stop looking. Lucy called the guys and got them to take him home, he fought them off as best he could but since it was 4 against 1 he quickly lost.

"She's gone" he cried softly to himself

"We're really sorry Liam, Kendra was the sweetest, awesomest, most artistic girl we've ever know, we all loved her dearly, and will always miss her" Niall said but Liam stayed quite and let the tears fall from his eyes

*7 months later, Kendra's P.O.V*

It been 7 months, Ryan let's me out of the house, but only when one direction is gone on tour. I found out the baby is a girl and I convinced Ryan to let me name her Leia, it's the closest name I could come up with to Liam. I still really miss him but I don't show it around Ryan or he'll hurt me.

"Can you run to the store and get something for dinner?" Ryan asked as he walked into the kitchen

"Sure, money?"


"I'll see you in a bit" I walked outside into the late summer air. I quickly got in the car and drove to the grocery store. I always go to the one closest to the one direction house just so I can drive by it. I've tried to run away so many times but Ryan always finds me.

As I passed the house or mansion I saw cars in the driveway. They're home!? No Ryan will find me and hurt me, and then threaten me with the baby. Sure the baby is Ryan's but it's some weird instinct I recently got, I need to protect her. I saw someone drive out of the driveway but I didn't bother following them.

When I parked in the parking lot at the grocery store I saw the car and Niall, Louis and Harry get out. I just got out and tried to go unnoticed.

When I was walking back to the car I dropped one of my bags, being pregnant and bending down to grab something doesn't mix well. Well this is great.

"Do you need help?" I heard Niall ask

"Yeah, thank you" he picked my bag up and walked to my car with me. He put the bag in the car then just stood there starring at me.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm sorry you just look like someone I use to know, but she's gone"

"I'm very sorry, thanks again for the help, it was nice seeing you again Niall" Shit I just blew my cover

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry, I use to saying that to people"

"Wait, Kendra?"

"Hey Niall come on, woah wait Kendra?" Louis asked then Harry came over

"I'm really sorry but I need to go"

"Kendra wait, you're alive?"

"Yes, I was kidnapped by my crazy ex boyfriend and he faked my death so you guys would stop looking for me, and now he only let's me leave the prison of a house when you guys are gone, I guess he made a mistake today"

"Why haven't you tried running away?"

"He always finds me, it's not like I have anywhere to go with you guys gone when I leave the house, and once he finds me he hurts me and the baby"

"I though he killed the baby" Harry said slowly

"He killed Liam and mine, then he well this happened"

"So the baby you're carrying is his"


"Come with us, we can keep you safe, and Liam still misses you, he actually still keeps looking for you"

"He does?"

"Yeah, so are you going to come with us?"

"If I do Ryan will just take me and hurt me, but then again you guys will protect me, I think I'll.........."






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