Chapter 13

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*Harry's P.O.V*

So it's been a month since we've met Kendra. I still remember the day we met, the day her and Liam fell in love.

It was a nice winter afternoon. The wind was blowing in the east direction, I think, to be honest I'm stalling this chapter so you have to wait and find out if Liam and Kendra really sleep together. Any who, the wind was blowing and I was just standing in the park for an unknown reason and then I felt someone run into me.

I looked down and saw a cute blonde girl with pretty blue eyes. I apologize and immediately knew she had no clue who I was, so I invited her over. She just seemed like Liam's type the moment I met her as well, not sure how but she did.


Then there was the first prank. God that scared the shit out of me. I really though she was a drug dealer. That fake gun though, that's what got me most, and the smarties, and the drawing, ok the whole thing got me.

But I though it was cute how Liam and Kendra worked together, how they figured they could get away from me through the window and how they sat on the couch together. I'm pretty sure that they will be together forever! Kendiam forever! How they laughed together, and how you could clearly see the love growing for each other in there eyes.


Then there was the amusement park. It was cute how Kendra wanted to go on every ride and Liam was there by her side. Then there was the ferris wheel. We quickly all chose our partners so Liam and Kendra ended up being together. It was cute because they sat facing each other while the guys and I might have sang kiss the girl from the Little Mermaid. Yeah, nice move we did.

Then that night he carried her to her room and lied her down in bed. Tucking her in then I put my fish in Liam's room just incase he woke up in the middle of the night when I put Kendra in his room I could lie and say I wanted my fish back.

When I put her in the bed though, he immediately put his arm around her and she snuggled into him, it was adorable. Just simply adorable, ok I sounded gay.


When he threw her into the pool because we dared him to he laughed at first then when  she didn't come up he got worried. He quickly dived in and pulled her out and right as he was about to start cpr she pushed him in. It was cute, I keep saying cute and adorable, when people read this they'll think I'm gay.

Any way, then after the whole pool party we had, Kendra returned to her room and I believe started drawing. Liam went in there to see how she was doing and I might have followed just to see what they were talking about. Liam told her how he helped her get into an art college and she kissed him on the cheek, making him freeze right there. It was pretty funny.

After she left and went back to her room she said yes. Liam being very clueless was confused and then she said she would go on a date with him and it was set.


The next day Liam and Kendra spent a lot of time together and even kissed. Their first kiss. The kiss that showed that they both love each other, very much. They also went on their date and slept in the same room and I took pictures  and posted them. Our fans love then so much, it's cute, there I go again.


We then learned about Kendra and her past the next day and we all excepted her for who she really was. Then she had a nightmare and I agreed to be her personal slave. She then realized she wanted to find her siblings.

The next day we went looking and well she got kidnapped, we didn't know, and well she almost died. We really though she was going to die, we thought she died, but she lived. And we are all very happy for that.


Now it's spring, and we've been bugging Liam about how he should sleep with Kendra, and now they are in her room talking about something we have no clue, and now we are hopping that they sleep together tonight and that they use protection, but you know a little Liam and Kendra would be cute.

That's all I know for now, thanks for reading, goodbye ~ Harry

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