Chapter 5

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*Kendra's P.O.V.*

He kissed me, he finally kissed me. Ever since that everything seemed to be going up hill for me. My life turned into a roller coaster that only goes up. Yeah that's right I just quoted The Fault In Our Stars. Boom.

We were finally going on our date, and that was a dinner date. It was really nice, we talked more about ourselves. Well he mostly spoke about himself, while I spoke about things that are interesting to me.

When we finally got back to the house, Harry was sitting in a chair at the table. He was smiling creepily when we entered, like Alison when she was about to beat me. That's when I got scared.

"and you said you wouldn't date her"

"I didn't know her then"

"so, what are you both going to do now?" he asked with a smirk

"I'm going to bed"

"same" we both started walking in the opposite directions to our own rooms. I was stopped by Louis.

"you can only go one direction, hehehe"

"that direction is to my bed"

"nope it's the other way"

"fine" I turned around and started walking to the couch and Niall stopped me "come on, I just want to sleep"

"then sleep with Liam" Harry teased

"you know what, I'll just sleep right here" I said then lied down on the ground

"wow, do you hate Liam or something?"

"I just want to lie down"

"you guys just leave Kendra alone"

"once she goes to sleep with you"

"fine" I got up and walked over to Liam "I'll just leave when it's ok to"

"alright" we walked to his room and lied down on his bed. I soon ended up falling sleep.

*Liam's P.O.V.*

She fell asleep in my arms. It was nice.

*Kendra's P.O.V.*

I woke up and Liam and I were cuddling. I liked it. When I fully woke up I saw Harry standing in the corner, then Liam woke up.

"Harry what are you doing in my room?"

"I'm not taking pictures"

"Harry, delete them all"

"I've already posted a few, our fans think you guys are cute together"

"Harry, let me see" Liam said then took his phone. I looked over Liam's shoulder to see what the fans were saying. They were saying things like

Awww Liam and his new girl look totally adorable

Awww just look at them together, they are so cute!

There were more but I liked those ones most. I'm pretty sure most comments weren't bad because Harry said

Liam and his new girlfriend Kendra fell asleep in his bed. They won't do anything but cuddle, it's bugging me.

I'm happy people actually like us together and there isn't any hate. After I read a little more I just fell back in the bed. I was so tired for some random reason, it was 9:48. Liam soon lied back next to me and we cuddled again.

"will you guys ever do anything other then cuddling?" Harry asked

"no, now leave" I answered then he left

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