Chapter 20

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*Kendra's P.O.V*

I woke up in a comfortable bed in a really nice room, then I remembered everything once again. I say up and felt so much pain in my stomach and when I lifted my shirt I saw a huge bandage wrapped around my stomach with a blood stain right where I was stabbed. I started crying knowing I had nothing left of Liam with me.

"Finally you're awake" Ryan said coming into the room. I didn't dare talk to him or even look at him

"Everything will make sense soon my dear"

"Why? I was my first child and you took them away from me"

"You were never meant to have a child with that ex boyfriend of yours but with me, we promise we each other we would live the rest of our days together, and I'm just fixing the little mistakes you made"

"You're a monster"

"No I'm not, now if you miss your baby so much why don't we have one?"

"No, I'll never have one with you!"

"Oh but you will" he then kissed me with so much hunger it actually hurt. I tried to push him off but he got buffer over the last year and pinned my arms above my head. I tried wiggling mt body out from under him but it only made his little friend excited. He was now holding both my hands in one of his as his other one went up my shirt and he started to draw circles on my skin.

Soon with one quick move both my shirt and bra were off. He trailed kisses down to my breasts then back up to my lips then back down. This did not feel good, not at all, only if it was Liam and wasn't so rough. He then got off me and walked over to grab something. My stomach still hurt so I couldn't sit up or get up. He came back and handcuffed me to the bed post then took his shirt and pants off. No no no! I'm screwed, so screwed.

He crawled back on top of me and started taking my pants off leaving me in my panties.

"Please stop" I cried and he put his lips back on mine. He trailed his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance to my mouth but I denied him not wanting this to go on any longer. He then bit my lip making me open my mouth and he slipped his tongue in. I just wanted Liam to come in right now and get Ryan off of me, but I know it will never happen.

Ryan then took off his boxers. I wish I was with my baby right now, or with Liam. He stopped kissing me then took off my panties and entered me with so much force I screamed at the pain, and he kept doing that.


Ryan is now just trailing kisses along my neck and jaw while I'm crying silently. After 10 minutes of doing nothing but kissing me he stopped and unhandcuffed me. I couldn't move, I felt so weak and pathetic I didn't deserve to live. I deserve to die not my baby, if I could switch places with her or him I so would.

He got his clothes back on and left, just like that, like nothing ever happened. He left me alone on the bed feeling weak and pathetic. I then spotted the knife he stabbed my stomach with just yesterday and I tried so hard to get u and go to it


By the time I reached the knife Ryan came in and made me go to the bathroom. He handed me a pregnancy test then left. Holy shit, if this is positive then I'll be having Ryan's baby, but if it's negative then it's for sure my first child is dead. Oh my god, oh my god.

"Hurry up in there" I peed on the pregnancy test and set it down on the counter then stayed were I was since I was still too weak. Ryan opened the door, picked me up and put me in bed. He pulled the covers up to my chin and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry, but I had to my love"

A few minutes later he came out of the bathroom with a wide smile glued to his face, that can only mean one thing.

"Hopefully 9 months goes by fast, now get some sleep my love" I'm going to be having Ryan's baby? No! Why did everything have to fall apart!?

*Lucy's P.O.V*

"Hey Liam, how are you feeling?" I asked entering his room

"Terrible, I just miss her so much, our child is probably dead by now, and she could be wishing she was dead instead of free"

"We'll find her"

"Liam, you've got mail" Louis said tossing him a letter. I smiled on the inside knowing it had to be the letter Ryan wrote. Liam opened it and read it silently. When he was done his eyes watered up and he threw the letter away.

"Well this is just fucking great!" He yelled

"What happened?"

"The person who kidnapped her fucking kill our baby and is going to kill her if we can't find her in 3 days!" Tears were falling from his eyes as he yelled. The guys soon came in with confused faces

"What's going on?" Zayn asked, I grabbed the letter from the trash and handed it to them. Once they were done they grabbed Liam and lead him outside.

"Are you coming with us?" Louis asked me

"I'll take my car"

"Alright" they all got in two different cars and drove off. I quickly dialed Ryan's number once they were out of site.


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