Chapter 18

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*Kendra's P.O.V*

"Hurry up Lucy"

"Calm down, ok I'm done let's go" we walked out to her car and drove to a cute little café.

"So you and Liam are going to be parents?"

"Yeah, I'm really happy about it too, I love him so much and now we will have a family"

"Sounds nice, my boyfriend recently broke up with me because he's actually gay"

"That's messed up"

"Yeah, but I should have seen it coming, I never get a happily ever after like you and Liam"

"My life ain't easy either Lucy, you'll find the right guy soon"

"Thanks Kendra" when we were inside Lucy turned to me

"We should go to the mall"

"I though we were just getting coffee"

"Come on, please can we go to the mall?" I looked at her and thought, I told Liam I was only getting coffee then I would be home, but then again he's not home, so he wouldn't know if I just went for a little while, should I go?

"Alright, but I have to be home before Liam"

"Alright no problem" we got our coffees and then drove to the mall.


"I'm going to go try this on, I'll be right back" Lucy said holding a really cute dress

"Alright, I'll be here" she walked off and I looked through a rack of cute shirts. I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around I came face to face with Ryan, one of my old foster brothers/secret boyfriend.


"Hey Kendra"

"Hey, I can't believe it's you, you look better"

"You too, so 18 now or did you run away from Alison?"

"I turned 18 about 2 months ago"

"Well happy late birthday, how are things going? You know out of the foster care system"

"Good, I'm actually living with my new boyfriend, and his friends"

"Do I know him?"

"Umm you might, he's actually famous, he's in the band one direction, his name is Liam"

"That's cool, does that make you famous too?"

"I guess, how's everything wih you?"

"Good, I'm living on my own in an apartment, not in a relationship at the moment"

"That's a shocker"

"Are you here with anyone or just by yourself?"

"I'm here with my friend Lucy, she's in the dressing room right now"

"Cool, are you doing anything else today?"

"I promised my boyfriend that I would stay home, I'm not even supposed to be here"

"Kendra I really need to go right now, my grandmother is in the hospital, I need to see her, do you think you could find someone else to give you a ride?" Lucy said running over to me in a panic

"Umm Ryan you don't mind driving me home right?"

"Not at all"

"Alright then, go Lucy, I'll text you later"

"Thanks Kendra" she gave me a quick hug then left the mall. I checked the time on my phone and saw I should be going as well

"I should be getting home now, shall we go?"

"We shall" to be honest I really missed Ryan. He was the only person that was nice to me in foster care, he convinced our foster family to keep me a month longer when they got tired of me, and when I was put into a different foster home he came and visited me, but then we lost all connections about a year ago.

"I've really missed you Ryan" I said as we got to his car

"I've missed you so much you have no idea" he smiled then we got in.


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