Chapter 10

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*Kendra's P.O.V*

I was there, right outside those big beautiful gates. The gates to heaven. The only problem was I couldn't do in, I tried and tried but I couldn't get through.

"Kendra stop you can't enter the gates" I heard a deep voice say


"something is holding you back"

"no nothing should, I died inside of a room no one could get in but him"

"Kendra look where you are" everything then went blank. After a few seconds I was back on earth, but I was in a hospital. In front of me was in fact me, I was lying on a hospital bed, doctors were trying to stop me from bleeding anymore and stich up the cuts.

"why am I here?"

"you a not going though my gates till you are taken off life support"


"I want you to watch what happened for the next few weeks or till they take you off life support, your choice" I walked out of the room and to the waiting room, there I saw all the boys. Liam just sat there and looked at the floor, they all tried to talk to him but he didn't answer.

After about an hour the doctor came out and Liam immediately stood up and walked over to him

"how is she?"

"she is alive for now but she doesn't have a lot of blood in her body, she need a donor and that will be hard to find because she has a rare blood type, we will do anything we can to save her"

"thank you" he doctor nodded and walked away, Liam just went back to the chair he was sitting at before. He sat there for two more hours then the boys dragged him out of the hospital.

When he was at the house he just sat on the he couch and looked at the wall. When he was in his room he looked at the drawings I made. He mostly looked at the drawing of me, when we pulled that prank.

The boys took turns trying to talk to him, feed him but he never payed attention to them. I heard the boys talking and decided to check it out. They were all in the kitchen talking about Liam.

(A/N hey I'm just going to put the letter of each first name so you know who says what)

Z-"what are we supposed to do?"

L-"we just have to give him some space to think"

H-"we also have to get him to eat and sleep"

L-"yeah, we should just give him sleeping pills"

N-"no, if we do he could do something stupid"

H-"yeah and that won't be good"

Z-"we should just ask him if he's hungry once every hour and he'll sleep soon"

L-"yeah let's just go with that"

They all agreed and left to their own rooms. I went back to the hospital to see myself, I looked pale and lifeless. A single tear managed to fall from my eye from the site. I could feel Liam's pain, I need to die fast or live, what do I choose?


It's been a few days since I made my body look at Liam and smile. He believes I'm going to wake up, but I'm not sure yet. Why does this have to be so hard, I've wanted to die for the longest of time, but when I see him I was to stay and believe that he'll keep me safe from all the bad things in my life

I love him, I really do, and I have to do this, I've wanted to do this for a long time and now I know that this is the right choice.

I went back to the gates.

"goodbye" I said then everything went black.

*Liam's P.O.V*

Its been a few days since Kendra woke up and smiled at me. She is still out, she's been out. I've actually slept the past few nights and I've been eating, knowing Kendra was going to wake up any day now.

I was sitting on the couch and hanging with Harry and Niall when I got a call. It was from the hospital, probably calling to tell me that Kendra woke up. I answered the phone.


"Liam we need you at the hospital"

"is something wrong?"

"I have to tell you something at it would be best if you were here"

"I'm on my way" I hung up and looked at Niall and Harry to see they were both confused

"is she alright?"

"I don't know, I got to go" I got up and walked out to my car. I raced to the hospital as fast as I could go without breaking the law. When I got in I saw the doctor, he looked tired and when he saw me he looked sorry. No she can't be.

"Liam I would like to talk to you privately" we walked into a room and he told me to sit, once I did it was silent for a second.

"what's wrong?" I finally asked

"Liam I'm sorry but Kendra died about an hour ago"

"she can't be, she was fine earlier"

"something happened and well her heart gave out, I'm very sorry"

"can I see her?"

"of course, follow me" we walked into her room the machines were gone and a blanket covered her whole body. The doctor left me alone and I pulled off the sheets uncovering Kendra's face. I got a text from Harry.

h- hey how is she?

l- she died an hr ago

h- I'm so sorry, we'll be here for u buddy when u come home

I put my phone down and looked at Kendra again

"I love you" I said as tears started to fall. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and looked at her again. I looked at her chest to check for any movement just in case.

There was.

She was breathing, barely but she was. I shook her a little bit to see of she would wake up and her eyes fluttered open very slowly. She wasn't dead she was alive.


"L-Liam?" she whispered

"it's me, your alive"

"I know, I lived for you" she smiled weakly making me smile. The doctor walked in and gasped

"how?" he asked

"she was never dead"

"I'll be right back with the machines"

"don't bother, I'm ready to go home"

"I need to do a check up on you first though, just in case"

"alright" I helped her sit up and the doctor did a check up. She was fine and could come home with me. I helped her walk to the car and drove home. The boys will be in for a big surprise when we walk into the house.

When we did get back and walked in all the guys just looked in complete shook.

"Harry why did you lie to us, we were really depressed about that" Louis yelled

"he didn't lie, Kendra almost died, but now she is here alive"

"Kendra!" they all yelled giving her hugs.

"do we have any food?" she asked after getting a hug from everyone

"yeah come on"

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