Chapter 8

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*Kendra's P.O.V*

I was in a dark room. Tied to a chair. By myself. I've been awake for at least an hour. I'm hungry, my head hurts, and I want to curl up next to Liam and hug him forever. A door then opened and light flooded the room, blinding me.

"well well well, someone is finally awake" a voice said, I remember that voice, I never wanted to hear it again the last day I heard it.

"let me go, I did nothing wrong"

"oh but you did"

"that was years ago please just let me go"

"I'm sorry sweetheart but I can't do that" I heard the crack of a whip and my whole body tensed up. I thought only Alison would hurt me.

*Liam's P.O.V*

Kendra has been acting differently these past few days. I feel like she doesn't want to be with me anymore, she's been hanging with her brother keeping secrets, she's even willingly going out in public. Somethings up and I'm going to find out what it is.

"hey Kendra can I talk to you really quick?" Luke asked. Kendra walked over to him and I followed, you know in a sneaky way so they didn't know I was following. They went into Kendra's room, I put my ear up to the door and heard them talk.

"Kendra is acting like the perfect little angel tricking the boss"

"she's always been that way, making everyone feel sorry for her" wait Kendra isn't Kendra but her twin who is pretending to be Kendra and keeping her hidden away somewhere, wait did I say that right? yeah I think I did

"the boss is still mad at her for what she did though so we are good, you just need to get close to that Liam guy"

"I know, come on let's go" I quickly walked to the kitchen to get away. When Dawn and Luke came out they both sat on the couch.

"hey Kendra want to go to our room and do what we do every Saturday?" ok before you start thinking anything wrong we don't do anything in my room on Saturdays I just came up with it to reveal their secret

"how about later?"

"it's already getting last" this is harder to say then I thought

"sorry, I'm just not really in the mood to do anything right now"

"hey Liam can I talk to you really quick" Harry said and we walked into my room


"what do you two do on Saturdays?" he asked with a smirk on his face

"nothing, that's not Kendra out there, that's her sister and she is keeping Kendra somewhere"

"I want to help"

"help with what?"

"I want to help you get answers from those two, and I think I have just the plan"

"I'll get the bat, rope and bags"

"how did you know?"

"I just had a feeling"

*Kendra's P.O.V*

"TELL ME!" he yelled hitting me again with the whip

"I got her killed" I whispered


"I got her killed" I said as loud as I could which was hard to do since I was just choked moments ago

"HOW DID YOU KILL HER!?" he yelled in my face, I know he was on the edge, he was going to break down crying soon

"I didn't kill her, you know that I would have never done that"


"I wasn't listening and she held up a gun to my head then c.p.s. came running in with the police"

"you did get her killed"

"she was the one that held up the gun to the police and threatened to kill me and them if they took on step forward" he hit me with the whip one last time then left. I just fell to the floor and let the tears fall.

"Liam please come and find me" I whispered as if he could hear me. I lied there and let my tears fall, I wish I was dead.

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