Chapter 7

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*Liam's P.O.V.*

"LIAM GET UP!" Kendra yelled excitingly in my ear "we are going to find my brother and sister!"

"calm down its only 8:30"

"I know I just had lots of coffee so I could stay awake and not fall back asleep"

"who made you the coffee?"

"Harry did"

"HARRY!" I yelled and he came running in while Kendra ran out


"did you see what you did to Kendra?"

"you should have seen her before she looked like she was going to pass out, I didn't think she would drink so much of the coffee"

"just watch her next time"

"ok, come on we just have to wake up Niall"

"I guess that means I have half an hour to get ready"

"unless we send Kendra in there"

"yeah you should do that"

"hey Kendra! I have a task you can do!" Harry yelled and Kendra came running in

"yes?" she said really fast and loud

"do you want to go wake up Niall?"

"ok!" she ran out of my room

*Niall's P.O.V*

"GET UP!" I heard a voice yell making me fall out of bed. when I looked up I saw Kendra jumping up and down, is she sugar high or something?

*Kendra's P.O.V*

We were finally leaving to find my siblings. We all partnered off, of course Liam, and I are partnered up, and there's Harry and Louis and Zayn and Niall. When Liam and I got to the park where Harry last saw them.

We got to the park and quickly started to look around. Then we made a huge mistake. We spilt up for just 2 minutes and I was soon hit in the head and out like a light.

*unknown P.O.V*

I walked over to Liam.

"find anything?" he asked me

"no, maybe we should check the houses over there"

"alright, don't worry if we don't find them today"

"I would understand if we don't find then today" he gave me a kind smile and put his arm around me. This plan is going to work so well. We walked over to the houses and I saw my brother in place. I pulled out Kendra's phone and looked at the picture she found of him.

"that's him, my brother" I whispered to Liam and we walked over to him

"um are you Luke?"

"Dawn you should be on a plane, who's your friend?"

"it me Kendra"

"Kendra? is it really you?"

"yeah, and this is my boyfriend, Liam"

"it's so good to see you again, and it's nice to meet you Liam"

"would you like to come over?" Liam asked him

"I won't be intruding or anything right?"

"not at all, in fact we were looking for you and your sister Dawn"

"Dawn is in California, she left this morning"

"oh well we'll have to meet her later I guess, come on let's go" I said and we all walked to Liam's car. This is going to be great.

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