Chapter 3

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*Kendra's P.O.V.*

So a day has gone by since the whole waking up in Liam's bed thing happened, Harry confesed that he carried me to the bed and everything was good. I mostly spent my time drawing in my room, I know Liam's whole plan on asking me out, and of course I'm gonna say yes, he's cute, funny, and we are a pretty good team. I've been working on this one drawing of an eagle flying over the forest for about an hour or two, then Liam came in.

"hey Kendra, whatcha drawing?"

"why don't you look, I just finished"

"wow, this is like seeing a black and white picture"


"want to go swimming?"

"umm, I don't know"

"I'm so sorry I have to do this" he then picked me up and carried to out by the pool and tossed me in. Since he did that I decided to pull a prank. I guess cleaning the toilets at the foster care really payed off, because I can hold my breath for 2 maybe 3 minutes. After about 2 minutes Liam jumped in. He's gonna thank me for this. He lied me down on the concrete, then I pushed him into the pool, thank god it was there or he would be lying on the concrete.

"what was that?"

"don't ever do that again"

"it was them" he said trying to get up but i pushed him back in then i pushed Niall, and Harry while they weren't looking then Louis just jumped in and Zayn just walked in the shallow end. I then jumped in fo the heck of it, and Liam, Harry, and NIall all ganged up on me, with water guns. Louis and Zayn came to my rescue and sprayed them with water guns and gave me 2. Sure it was freezing cold out but we had a lot of fun.

When we were done I went back to my room, I looked at the drawing I did. It really did look like a black and white picture, I didn't realize that I was getting better. Liam came into my room again.

"that was a really good prank, how can you hold your breath that long?"

"I would always swim and I just kept practicing"

"you scared me, I was about to give you CPR"

"I know, I would have waited but you probably would have broken my rib cage since you need to push my rib cage 2 inches down"

"yeah, so what are you gonna do with this drawing?"

"I don't know?"

"I'll take it if you want"


"yeah, or you could give it to your teacher"

"I don't have a teacher, I don't go to school"

"or do you?"

"did you get me in to a school?"

"yep, your going to a school that's 15 minute walk from here"

"eeepppp! Thank you thank you thank you!" I said jumping up and down

"why are you so happy it's just college"

"I'm gonna learn more about art, I could become a famous artist, I could have a friend"

"I thought we were friends"

"I mean a friend that's a girl"

"oh right"

"thank you so much Liam" I gave him a kiss on the cheek then I ran out to the kitchen

*Liam's P.O.V.*

She gave me a kiss on the cheek. She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

*Kendra's P.O.V.*

When I got to the kitchen I grabbed a cup and filled it with orange juice. When I got back to my room Liam was in the same place. He's so cute when he's in shock.

"are you ok?"



"yes what?"

"I'll go on a date with you"


"yeah, I know you were planning on asking me out, and I couldn't wait any longer"



*Liam's P.O.V.*

She said yes without me asking!

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