Chapter 12

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*Kendra's P.O.V*

Its spring finally! I'm on spring break and get to relax. I've met some really nice people in my art class, all different kinds of artists. I'm the only sketch artist in the class and I like it that way.

Liam agreed to me having a friend over. Her name is Lucy and is the sweetest girl ever, she's a water color painter, and her works are amazing.

"Is your friend hot?" Harry asked me with Niall by his side

"Guys I'm with Liam, I don't check her out"

"Can we please stay while she's over?"

"No, you all promised that you would go out somewhere while Lucy is over"

"I didn't" Niall said with a huge grin on his face

"She's not a big fan of your music"

"Then she won't be annoying"

"You guys need to leave, now" I then heard a knock on the door. The three if us then ran over to the door Niall picking me up and holding me back.

"Go Harry, I've got her"

"No let me go! You promised you would leave" Harry opened the door with a smirk on his lips. He went face to face with Lucy.


"Hi, I'm sorry did I get the wrong address?"

"No Lucy I'm here" I said still in Niall's arms. Liam then came out of his room and gave me a kiss on the cheek and looked over at the door.

"You must be Lucy, we were just leaving, come on guys"

"I never promised that I would leave"

"We have to go record a new song" he grabbed Niall and Harry pulling them outside "see you later Kendra, love you"

"Love you too" after closing the door Lucy squealed

"Oh my god! You live with one direction!"

"Yeah, and I'm dating Liam, so what do you want to do?"

"I have no clue anymore"


"So have you and Liam done the dirty yet?"

"Nope" I answered popping the p

"Are you planing to soon?"

"Nope, I just go with the flow"

"You don't ever try and lead the relationship somewhere?"

"This is my first relationship and it's with a famous singer, I'll let him lead it"

"Fine, what time is it?"


"I should really go but I'm too lazy to go to my car"

"You can stay the night"

"But what if tonight is the night Liam wants to take your relationship to the next level"

"He's easy to read, he not"

"Alright, well see you soon, bye"

"Bye" she got up and left. I just lied on the couch and soon enough the guys got home

"Hey where's your friend?" Harry asked and Niall nodded in agreement

"Is that why Kendra wanted the house to herself?" Louis asked

"Yeah, and she left"

"Aww, she was cute"

"Shut up, she's in a relationship"

"Dang it"

"Well I'm going to go draw" I got up gave Liam a quick kiss and went to my room.



*Liam's P.O.V* *when Kendra and Lucy were hanging out*



"Are you and Kendra ever going to take your relationship to the next level?" Louis asked and everyone nodded in agreement

"We've been dating for a month and a half now, I'd like to take it a big slow"

"You know all our fans that love you and Kendra together want to know when you take it to the next level"

"That's wonderful to hear"

"Just saying"

"Wouldn't a little Liam and Kendra be cute to see" Niall teased

"haha shut up, we should head home"

"So you and Kendra can-"

"No, I'm tired"

"Sure" we all drove back home.

After Kendra went to her room we all sat on the couch and watched a movie. On the middle of the movie Harry leaned over towards me really slowly

"You should go sleep with Kendra, of you know what I mean"

"Will you stop"


"I'm going to go hang out with Kendra" I said getting up and saw everyone smirking at me. When I walked into her room I saw her drawing and occasionally looking at her phone

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Just drawing"

"Why now? You're on a break"

"I still have a homework assignment to draw someone or thing that's important to me"

"So who or what are you drawing?"

"You, although my class will think I'm some obsessed directioner"

"They don't follow social media?"

"Some do, so half my class will know why I'm drawing you and the other half will think I'm crazy"

"I know"

"Mind explaining this text I got from Harry?"

"Oh god, what did he do now?" I read the text and it was Harry telling Kendra that she should sleep with me

"The guys have been telling me the same thing for awhile"

"Lucy told me that today as well"

"They don't listen at all"

"No one does when it comes to this topic"

"I just want you to know that I'll wait till you're ready"

"What if I am?"

"Then how does tonight in my room sound?"

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