Chapter 24

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*Kendra's P.O.V*

"Get out of here!" I yelled angry and frustrated from all the kicking Leia has been doing

"I see you don't like me, whatever, it actually thought we were homies" Harry said getting up from the couch

"I was yelling at Leia, she's been non stop kicking and punching me"

"How can you tell a punch and a kick apart?"

"When she kicks it hurts more and you can actually see her kicking"

"You can see her kicking? How?"

"Well where she kicks there is a bump on my stomach"

"That sounds painful but cool"

"It's just painful" I then dropped the remote right when I wanted to change the channel

"Harry can you get me the remote?"

"Can't you get it?"

"Not really when I have a giant bump on my stomach"

"It can't be that bad"

"You wanna bet?"

"Yeah, I bet it doesn't make a difference"

"Grab your keys" I said as I tried to get up. Dammit why is it so hard!?

"Where are we go?"

"We are going to my pregnancy class"

"I don't want to go there"

"We are going to got get something"

"Fine" he picked up the remote right as I stood up and turned the TV off then we walked out to his car.


"You have to keep this on for two days straight"

"Can I take it off when I sleep?"

"Do you think I can take this off while I sleep?" I asked pointing to my stomach

"No" I then finished strapping the weight to his stomach. It actually looked like he was pregnant when he cover the weight with his shirt. Just then Louis walked in.

"Harry what happened to you"

"I got pregnant"

"Kendra mind explaining?"

"He said being pregnant was no different then not being pregnant, so we made a bet, he has to wear this weight for two days, and if he fails then he has to take night shifts for two months after Leia is born"

"Good luck Harry" Louis then walked away

"I'm gonna go watch TV"

"I'll come with and show you I can handle being pregnant"

"You also have to do things a pregnant woman would do"

"Like have mood swings and yell then cry, then yell again?"

"No! Why would you say that? That's just mean"


"I meant eat healthy, and exercise"

"Please I ear healthy and exercise all the time"

"Harry for the last three nights you've been eating pizza"

"It's good though! I can't give up junk food!"

"It's only for two days"

"Still!" He then dropped the remote

"Pick it up" I told him and he laughed at me. Then he tried to pick it up, he failed miserably

"Ok I was wrong about this, but other then that and eating it's not different.

*20 minutes later*

"Can I please take this off!? I've got really bad back pain and I think I have a cramp, and it's really heavy!" Harry pleaded

"Can I take this off?" I once again pointed at my stomach 

"Hey woah what happened here?"

"Harry and I made a bet, and now he has to wear a weight on his stomach and know what it's like to be pregnant"

"Oh, how was your day so far Harry?"

"Terrible! I can't eat good food, I have a cramp, my back is killing me, whenever I drop something I can't pick it up, and this weight is really heavy!"

"You can take it off if you take the night shifts for the first two months of Leia's life"

"Never, I need my sleep"

"Harry it's been 20 minutes and you're already complaining"

"I know, why don't you ever complain?"

"Because I know in the end I'll have an adorable little girl to call my own"

"I want that"

"You'll have it one day, maybe"

"Hopefully" he said looking off into the distance at the wall, he's scaring me now.


Have you ever woken up because of some weird pain? Yeah well that's what happened the next morning. I also felt liquid go through my sweats. Then it hit me, MY FUCKING WATER BROKE AND I WAS GOING IN LABOR!!!

"Liam Liam" I said hitting his chest then I slapped his face waking him instantly

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Liam, my water broke"






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