Chapter 14

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*Kendra's P.O.V*

"Mind explaining this text I got from Harry?"

"Oh god, what did he do now?" I showed Liam the text Harry sent me

"The guys have been telling me the same thing for awhile"

"Lucy told me that today as well"

"They don't listen at all"

"No one does when it comes to this topic"

"I just want you to know that I'll wait till you're ready"

"What if I am?"

"Then how does tonight in my room sound?"

*now chapter 14*

"I like that idea" I answered and gave him a hug, and he stole a kiss from me making me laugh. "I'll go to your room in a bit, so the guys don't get suspicious and invade our space"

"Good idea" he gave me one last kiss then left. I just smiled to my self and thought about everything that's happened in the past month, and tonight is the night Liam and I will have sex. I still can't believe it, tonight I'm losing my virginity.

I looked at the time as saw I've been sitting here thinking for about 2 minutes and Harry has been starring at me.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Just a stupid conversation Lucy and I had"

"Which was about?"

"Non of your business"

"Why can't I know"

"Because I don't want you to"

"Is it about you and Liam sleeping together?" I felt my cheeks start warming up, great I'm  blushing

"Aww it was, you two should really have sex"

"Why is everyone so into me and Liam having sex lately?"

"Because, it's what we do, now go have sex with him, but use protection, then again a little Liam or you running around her would be cute"

"Shut up"

"Why so sensitive about this subject?"

"I haven't lost my virginity yet, that's why"

"Awww you're scared"

"Would you leave?"

"It's not bad, it jus-"

"It's going to Liam's room"

"To have sex?"

"Nope, we are just going to cuddle"

"Aww come on"

"Bye" I got up and walked to Liam's room Harry right behind me, scratch that all the guys were behind me, well except Liam of course. When I opened the door all the guys pushed me to the bed.

"Have a fun night"

"Use protection"

"Or have a baby"

That's what I could make out what they were all saying. I knew I was blushing so much once they were gone.

"Did you tell them?"

"Nope, they were planning on doing that on their own"

"Well then" I gave him a kiss and he deepened it. Within seconds I had my legs wrapped around his waist and he was holding me up, his hands on my thighs.

The kissing turned into a full make out session and we only parted to breath and take off our shirts. My hands went to his hair on instinct and started running through it, his hands were still on my thighs and his thumbs rubbed circles on my skin. He sat on the bed and flipped us to he was on top of me and I unwrapped my legs from around his waist as he pulled at my pajama shorts.

Once he got my shorts off to took off his pants leaving him in boxer and me my bra and panties. We both stopped kissing and looked at each other's body. He then started softly kissing me as he took off my bra and panties. Once they were off he looked at me and I felt really awkward, but then he smiled at kissed me with so much passion, and I kissed him with the same amount.

He then took his boxers of and on the condom he had and looked at me, as if asking if it was ok and I nodded.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear

"I love you too" was my reply as he entered me.


We were now lying in bed, his arm around my waist and I snuggled into him. We were still naked and too tired to put our clothes on. We didn't even talk, just lied there and listened to each other panting trying to catch our breathes. I soon fell asleep to the sound of Liam's heartbeat, smiling like an idiot.

He showed me that he really does love me, and that his love isn't sympathy love.

Hope you liked the chapter, sorry if it was a bit weird, I don't really know how to write sex scenes.





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