Chapter 15

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*Liam's P.O.V*

I looked down at Kendra and saw her sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. I then closed my eyes and held her closer to me, then drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and saw Kendra was still sleeping and I needed a shower badly. I got out of bed carefully making sure I didn't wake her up and walked into the bathroom connected to my room and took a quick shower. When I was finished and walked back to my room I said Kendra was still sleeping. I softly shook her till she woke up.

"Morning" I said and she smiled, obviously still tired

"What time is it?"


"Alright" I gave her a kiss and left so she could get ready. When I walked into the kitchen all the guys smiled at me in a creepy way.

"So how was it last night?" Louis asked

"Why are you asking?"

"Well you just had sex with Kendra for the first time last night" Niall answered and everyone else nodded in agreement

"I'm pretty sure I should keep somethings to myself"

"Fine then we'll ask Kendra when she comes out"

"She'll most likely have the same answer as me"


"I would like that to stay between Liam and me, not all you guys as well" Kendra responded after they asked her how last night was

"Will you guys be doing that on a regular basis now? Like ever Saturday?" Harry said winking at me and I couldn't help but laugh

"No Harry" Kendra and I said at the same time

"Where did you get that from?" Kendra asked


"I only said it once and it was to trick your sister"

"You asked my sister if she wanted you have sex with you?"

"No, kind of, not really"

"What Liam's trying to say, your sister wasn't really acting like you and Liam wanted to try and expose her and he asked if she wanted to do what you guys do every Saturday, which ended up being nothing and she declined him"

"That better have been what happened"

"It was"

*Kendra's P.O.V*

"we should do something today" I said standing from my chair after eating

"Like what? Or were you talking to Liam?" Harry asked with a smirk on his lips

"I was talking to everyone, we should go to the mall or movies, or something"

"Eleanor is coming over soon, she's been wanting to meet you" Louis said putting his dish in the sink

"Perrie too"

"Yay, new friends"

After waiting 15 minutes there was a knock  on the door. Louis answered it and in came Eleanor.

"Hey Lou"

"Hey El"

"You must be Kendra"


"Alright guys leave I want to have girl time with Kendra and Perrie when she gets here" 

"I feel the love El, I feel the love" Louis said putting his hands to his heart

"I agree with Eleanor, you guys should leave"

"Alright" Liam gave me a quick peck on the lips and the guys left. Eleanor and I then sat on the couch and talked about everything that's happened to us. Even though I just met her that day I felt like I could really trust her. Once Perrie got there I felt like something bad was going to happen. I'm not sure why but I did.

"So how's everything with Liam and you?" Eleanor asked

"Everything's great"

"We should go to the mall, who in?" Perrie asked

"I'm in" Eleanor and I said at the same time. We all grabbed out purses and walked out to Perrie's car. She turned on her car and then we were off to the mall.






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