Chapter 77

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Norae hummed happily. Last night was unforgettable. She was so happy as she was being kissed by Sol-a. She responded to her feelings! Or was it the other way around? Anyway, 2 years ago, she was crying her eyes out feeling broken-hearted with her ex-boyfriend that made her decision to take an off to her studies and went to Australia. And now, she has a girlfriend with the magnificently beautiful Baek Sol-a. Ha! How did it happen once again?

Anyway, last night, as she was happy, she was also equally embarrassed as her stomach growled.

It was supposed to be a wonderful moment, wasn't it?

Sol-a laughed out loud and hugged her. I think she already sobered up. "I think I'm hungry." Indeed, she was. All her energy was used up as she dragged Sol-a to her room and with what happened next to it. She was confessed to that made her heart raced that made her think she was having an arrhythmia.

"Let's eat then. If we stay here, I might eat you know." Norae blushed more overly. She was being seduced but as she recalled, she was the one who started it.

She gets up and prepared food for Norae. She looked totally sobered up and her heart was contented.


Sol-a received a message from Norae the following day.

"Did you sleep well?" (Norae)

"Yes, I slept well. I had a good dream too. Did you have a good dream too?"

"Should I say I saw you in my dreams?"

Kyaaaa!!! What's up with these flirting?

"Kim Norae, you are dangerous to my heart so you better stop teasing me before I have a heart attack!"

"Oh my, what should I do then? I'm just so happy. You better take good care of yourself. See you later!" With a kiss emoji.

How cute. Sol-a thought. Sol-a was indeed happy. So, does it mean that she is my girlfriend now? Her head was spinning with excitement. So, a long time ago (not so long actually), she has plenty of boyfriends whom she dumped easily like a woman changed her clothes. Now, she fell in love unexpectedly to an unexpected person. She did not regret it. Her heart was happy.


Days passed smoothly. It's getting hotter as summer is fast approaching. Classes will end too and summer vacation will begin. Everybody is busy with their class schedules and report presentations.

"Are you getting credits this summer class?" Sol-a inquired Norae as both of them are cooling themselves with refreshments at the coffeehouse nearby the university.

"Yes, I think so. I was thinking of graduating together with you and Hae-Kyung. I got my latest evaluation and it was possible if I don't get failing grades. How about you? What do you plan this summer?"

"My brother got me an internship in the company where Ji-Hwan Oppa is currently working. I was thinking of accepting it or not."

"Hmm... Why not?" seeping the iced coffee.

"I'm going to miss you, you know." Sol-a pouted.

Urk! How cute! Despite confirming their feelings with each other, Sol-a's cute gestures still made her heart race. A very dangerous woman indeed! Norae thought, fangirling with Sol-a.

"Norae, Sol-a!" Hae-Kyung called them as she approached their table.

"You are late." (Norae)

"You missed me already Kim Norae? Come on baby, kiss mommy!" she jokingly gestured to Norae offering her pouting mouth.

"Do you want to put my fist to your mouth Kkyeong?"

"Oh, my please be tender with me!" as she continued to tease her.

"Where have you been?" Sol-a (silently jealous) asked.

"Oh. I was talking to Song-pyu Oppa when we met at the pathway. He told me to send his regards to Norae." as she smiled while her eyebrows moved up and down.

That bastard! Grrr! Jealous Sol-a raised to the power of 10.

"Huh? Why would he do that?" Norae wondered. Even though they had a past relationship but she doesn't think they have to do with each other anymore.

"Well, isn't it obvious?"

"I am not sure. Actually, I am not interested." Norae answered nonchalantly. It's true. The moment she realized she had feelings with Sol-a, she doesn't heed to other feelings toward her. Maybe that was also the reason why she outwardly rejected her senior Nam Ji-Hwan, being the hottest bachelor in their department and a close Oppa of Sol-a, when he confessed to her.

Hae-Kyung stared at her and utter words that caught her off guard.

"Well, I thought you were back together. You looked in love Norae." She seriously said. 

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