Chapter 71

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"Oh my, I like your make up today too. I like how the mascara made your eye-lashes long. Your lipsticks look good to you too." Sol-a said.

"I'm so glad to be appreciated by someone as beautiful as Sol-a. And yes, this Unnie of yours finally had a decent date today. We already met twice and this will be our third. Kyaaaa I'm excited!"

Sol-a smiled while murmuring if that was a compliment coming from Hae-Kyung about her. 

"Of course!" just her replied to Sol-a. "I am so glad I have a friend who can relate to my make-up stories. This kid over here is so useless when it comes to it."

"What did you say?" vein-pulsating in Norae's head.

"Of course, I meant what I say you know. Hohoho!"

Sol-a laughed too but secretly looked at Norae. She smiled thinking how natural is her beauty even without makeup. She really looks cute. Her eyes caught Norae's lips and wonder if...

"Oh my God! I feel like a pervert!" Sol-a blushed immediately while looking away.

"Oh Sol-a, are you okay? Your face is red." Norae asked. Hae-Kyung also looked at Sol-a.

"Ah hahaha.. I'm okay. It is nothing to worry about." 

Norae was not convinced so she touched Sol-a's forehead.

"Her face is so close. OMGGGGG!" Sol-a's inner thought is frantic.

"Don't be sick okay?"

"Yahhh Kim Norae! Don't say cringe things to Sol-a!"

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?"

Sol-a was dumbfounded with Norae's expression. The way she said it sounds sweet to her ears at the same time, it made her heart flutter.


Norae seemed different lately. Sol-a noticed it in a while. She can't pinpoint it out but she seemed sweeter and caring than usual? Or she seemed closer to her too. She minds it a lot because every simple thing Norae did makes her happy. She is just quite scared if she read it the wrong way. 

The more Norae shows her sweetness to her, the more she felt conflicted about how to tell her feelings. Days go by and it's getting stronger. Lately, holding her hands is not enough for her. She got distracted looking at her lips. And her patience is getting thinner. 

"Ahhhhh this is really making me sick!"


"Huh? Who could it be?" Just as Sol-a was thinking about her, Norae's face is in her monitor screen.

She opened the door and greeted Norae.

"What brings you here?"

"I was on my way home when I saw oranges and strawberry and bought it. Want to eat it with me?"

Sol-a smiled and let Norae in. She gets the fruits and prepared it. 

"Want to watch the movie too?" (Sol-a)

"Yes! Let's do that!" (Norae)

They watched a movie while eating the fruits. Every time the hang out together at either Sol-a or Norae's house, it is always movie time or manicure and pedicure time. They feel no dull moments being with each other. After eating the fruits, Sol-a gets potato chips and beer. 

"Hey Norae, are you a kid?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Tsk." Since Sol-a has been aware of looking at Norae's face especially her lips, she noticed some chips on it. She leaned closer to her to get it. She touched the side of her mouth that made Norae flinched.

She looked at Sol-a but she was not aware of how close their face with each other.


Norae caught her breath with a sudden realization. Unconsciously, her eyes wandered at her lips and gulped. Sol-a, who has been aware of Norae noticed her were her eyes lands and heard her gulped.

 Bu-dummm... Her patience was suddenly snapped.

"I'm sorry Norae but I can't help it anymore." Before Norae could react at her words, Sol-a caught her chin and kissed her lips.  

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