55. The broken world

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*This chapter is more like an epilogue*

I could see everything clearly. The day I first met Olivia. Me coming to Xenopia, learning about this new world which I thought belonged to my best friend Kat, only to learn that it was my own home too. Me learning that I am one of the Eldars. My life drastically changed after that, I became from nothing...to something, though something I didn't like, I still stayed there...stayed for the only man I ever loved, my Adrian. Our relationship has never been smooth. I could clearly remember the day I was crowned as the Guardian Princess of Dominos. Adrian was so happy that day, it was as if he was one step away from keeping me in his home forever. I wanted to see him, Adrian and Kat? Where were they?

"Kat...Adrian? Don't leave me alone, please? Mother? Don't leave me", I woke up in a pool of my own sweat. I have been muttering all this in my dream? With a heavy head, I clambered down the huge bed, tumbling down on my first step itself, as if I was just learning how to walk.

I studied the room I was present in. It didn't look like any place I knew, I could say that for sure. The room was enormous.

Puzzled I set towards the door and exited the room. I was met by another enormous living area which screamed money. It was so porch that for a moment I thought I was still entangled in my own dreams. I walked towards the main door to get hit by the smell of the salt and the ocean. Even though the sun was high up in the sky, the cold ocean breeze hit me, sending chills through me. For the first time, I noticed my clothing. I was in a simple but cute long cotton shirt and shorts. My legs were completely bare and I was cold now.

I walked ahead towards the first man I saw standing at a distance near the waters. I couldn't see his face as his back was faced towards me.

"Excuse me. Mr", I called out for him, waving both my hands to catch his attention.

He didn't turn back, so I started pacing myself up to reach him.

"Excuse me Mr...", I stopped mid-sentence as I saw his face.

"Brandonnnnn?", I stumbled on my words. "Brandon? Brandon?", I kept saying, unsure of what I was seeing.

"Calm yourself girl", he laughed back. "I'm not a ghost", he said, lightly.

"How? Where? Where am I?" I asked him, taking a glance around me.

"Australia? I'm in Australia right?", I asked him wide-eyed. " What the hell am I doing here?", I asked him breathlessly.

"Yes Rose", he said, nodding his head sadly.

"Why am I here? How did I?", I asked him hurriedly. What the hell was happening?

"It's been a long six months Rose. The world is upside down now. Your world is broken. This was the only choice we had to save you", he only said.

                           The End


Woohoo! That's the end of this book guys.

Rose will be back soon in The Flame-Age of the Dark End, I thank each and everyone who stayed with me up til here. Thank you guys for reading and voting. Lots of love to you'll ❤

 Lots of love to you'll ❤

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