33. The nasty Princess

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She walked me out of the building onto the school grounds. The walking was filled with nothing but utter silence. It was filled with only the sound of our heels hitting the ground. Greg all the time followed me back quietly, but still maintained a distance from us, giving us the privacy we needed. What was surprising was that Genn never stopped, she walked and walked and walked. After some time we entered the woods and started walking still deeper ahead.

"Where are you taking me?", I asked her softly.

"To a special place Rose", she told me plainly and failed to explain any further.

I turned around and saw Greg wiping his sweat down with his sleeve.

Finally, the merciless walk was done. No! I wouldn't call it merciless, because what I saw before me was totally worth it.

There was an arch, but it was nothing like an ordinary one. The arch was made of some one-piece multicolored crystal stone. The sun that has just risen, radiated its beautiful rays on the crystallized arch, reflecting a kind of round rainbow in the middle of it, which was sparkling between the light clouds that surrounded it. I automatically started walking ahead towards it and stood there down below the arch.

I looked up, above me, It was a blissful scene, something I don't think I would ever see again. There were a thousand shiny sparkly elements moving between us.

" Fliovski", I breathed. "What place is this?", I asked her softly.

"My dream", she answered back simply. Puzzled by her answer, I dared to turn my gaze towards her. There was a different kind of emotion in her face now. Something, I have never seen before in that beautiful perfect face. Before I could ask her what was wrong, she started crying.

"Hey, are you fine?", I asked her politely.

"No Rose, No...and the reason that I'm not fine is you", she told me teary-eyed.

"What?... what did I do?", I asked her, starting to move forward.

" You know what Rose? When I came to know, that I have these powers", she said, slightly making a pebble beside my leg move slightly by her gaze. "I wanted to know more about it, I wanted to learn what I could do, and so I chose this place and spent hours and hours here. You must've noticed how much I have expanded my powers in just a week or so. This place was created by me Rose. Created for me, for my special day. The day I have always dreamt of since I was a kid. The day, my name would be joined to Adrian's forever. Adrian my prince, the prince of my life. This arch, under this arch I shall be married, is what I thought. But...", she stopped. I now knew, where the conversation was going, alarmed I didn't dare to open my mouth.

Though my friends knew about me and Adrian dating, they made sure that it did not reach outside our friend circle. The Prince dating a normal girl would be quite a news around the school, and more importantly, Adrian was still not ready to face his father, as we were still figuring things out, and until we did, we did not want people to know about us. Especially his family members, luckily or unluckily his mother and his sister had already figured it out. Though his mother didn't react much, I couldn't say the same about his sister, she hated me so much so that she even threatened me of facing serious consequences if I kept seeing Adrian.

"Princess Mallaina swears that...", she fumbled " That you and Adrian...", she stopped again, looking for correct words.

"Yes", I said instantly. I knew, that there would be no good keeping this news concealed from Genn. She had to know, Adrian had no courage to break her heart, but someone had to tell her the truth. " Yes Genn, we love each other", I told her softly.

"Love?", she asked me making a face as if disgusted by the word "Did you say you love him?", she asked me, in a raised voice. I hesitated before replying back, I turned my gaze towards Greg who was watching us silently from the background. I could not ignore the fact that he was from the palace, and he would be reporting word to word what was happening here. Mahn! I'm so screwed.

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