46. Claire

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I walked back to my room. Still thinking about all the possible motives Greg might have when I dashed into someone.

A woman fell down, and I immediately set down to help her out. It was one of the maids of the palace.

"I'm sorry. Are you fine?", I asked Claire (as I immediately recognized her to be) softly.

"Yes. My prince", she replied back weakly. I couldn't ignore the weakness in her tone.

"Are you not well?. Please do take leave if you are unwell", I told her, lowering my voice.

It was a few days back after we came back from our trip to earth that I met Claire here at the palace. I wanted to make sure of my observations, about her and so I had summoned her to my room and we had this really long conversation, parts of which still puzzled me.

I stood by my window, thinking about the small conversation that I and Rose had back on the beach. She had claimed back then that, she and Catherine were susceptible to illness like any other red-bloods. This had me quite disturbed since then. Falling sick may not be of any problem to a red-blood. But here, it meant different. There were only two probabilities to this. Either Rose and Catherine are for real red-bloods but have somehow got this Eldar power by getting it out from someone forcefully. Or else they were mix-breeds. A result of a red-blood and a silver-blood. Either way, if this comes out to the notice of the people, they will be convicted to death by impalement. I couldn't even think about it. The thought was really frightening. I will have to do everything in my power to keep this knowledge not come out.

"My prince. You had asked for me?", Claire entered in, interrupting my own thoughts.

"Oh...yes", I turned around to face her. "I wanted to talk to you about something very important", I told her, in a tone of urgency.

'Seal', I pronounced first. Closing the door shut. Making sure that it won't open without my consent now.

Claire stood there in front of me, confused by my acts.

"Claire, I need your help. I...", I paused, not knowing how to make her talk. I was sure about my observation, but would she talk?. Would she accept the truth?

"Claire, I have observed that you fall sick quite often", I jumped in directly, not knowing how to take it slow. She looked terrified at that moment and slowly started retrieving back, putting as much distance as possible between us.

"No! Do not fear me", I said immediately, trying to calm her inner panicking self. "I promise you. You won't get into any trouble. But I need to know the truth. It's about Rose please", I pleaded.

She paused for a moment and met my gaze with concern. Concern for whom? "Is she fine?", she asked me instantly.

"Fine for now, but I need your help to keep it that way", I told her.

"What do you want to know Prince?", She asked me softly.

"Please answer my question", I repeated back again.

"Yes", she agreed. "I do fall sick", she told me slowly. Meeting my eyes with great intensity. "Yes, I know what you will be asking next. I am a red-blood by birth. Do not ask me anything further my Prince", she told me, said to retrieve back again.

"Wait!", I stopped her. "Will you promise me to forget this conversation we just had?", I had asked her. I did not want her to reveal anything about Rose to anyone.

"Till my last breath", she promised me. I opened the sealed door and allowed her to escape. I wanted to know one thing at that time, and I got it.

Now weeks after, the incident came back to me like a fresh wave. "I am well My Prince. Thank you for asking", she bowed down a bit and said. "But...Prince...Rose?", she cried, letting out huge tears flow out her big eyes. "Is she really kidnapped?", she cried hard.

"Claire, please calm down", I tried to soothe her.

"You don't understand My Prince. She is in danger", she cried out loud.

"Wait!", I stopped her, as the guards surrounding us were starting to give us curious looks. I clasped her wrists and guided her through to my room, closing it carefully behind me.

"Now continue please", I added.

"Greg, I've seen him. I always thought him to be a threat. A threat I have been running away from all my life. I thought it was my imagination, but I'm sure of it now", she told me urgently. "You will have to save Rose", she said shaking me now. "Save her. He will not stop. He will destroy everything. Like how he has been destroying lives for years", she said madly.

"What are you saying?", I asked her, unsure of her mental health. Was she hallucinating?

"You don't understand", she screamed. "My Rose. My child is in danger", she screamed. "Xalton will kill her for real, this time", she cried.

"Your child?", I asked her slowly. Did I hear her correct? Rose? Her child?

"I am Rose's mother", she said, confirming my thoughts.


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