28. The beach house

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There was a different kind of chaos in the apartment in the morning. Everyone was running everywhere. No one knew what was happening. Someone was screaming for a sunscreen cream, someone was shouting to help them find their shades. Someone was packing snacks and some were...well some were just sitting in front of the television and watching a football match. Those were the lazy ass boys.

"You guys, will you even help us?", scowled Clarke at Allen and Adrian. I was trying hard to suppress a laugh.

"We would love to, but no thanks!", Allen replied back, not taking his eyes off the T.V.

"So, how do they win?", he shifted his attention back to Scott, who started explaining to him the game again.

"These guys are useless", Merlin observed.

"Why does that come as news to you?", Kat laughed at Merlin.

"Girls, let's get going", Rachael started pushing me out, slowly. "Come on...let them sit here and remain useless forever", she fired at the direction, where the guys were sitting. Teathen silently started following us behind. Unlike others, not once did he show any interest in anything other than Kat. He followed her wherever she went and helped her in everything he could. I felt happy looking at them both. It wasn't only me, who noticed them both, as I caught even Evan observing them both from the corner of my eyes. I made a mental note on asking him about it, later.

"Hey...wait...we are coming", Adrian called out loudly. He looked perfect like always, like those models or actors I used to see in magazines or television. I sometimes wondered how someone like me ended up with him, it was indeed hilarious. And without thinking, I started laughing out loud.

"What?", he asked me cutely running his hands over his perfectly styled hair.

"Nothing", I told him, kissing him on his cheeks all of sudden to startle him and then started walking away towards the car, smiling foolishly to myself.

We had to divide ourselves into three cars, as the number of my group was just overwhelming...haha...We were a total of thirteen people, which included me, Kat, Adrian, Allen, Merlin, Clarke, Alicia, Oleg, Teathen, Evan, Scott, Rachael, and Tiffany...wait, Am I forgetting someone? I moved my head towards my side, to the person seated beside me in the car...Greg, surely I forgot him too, Damn! Even he dropped in "please allow me to do my duty guardian princess", he started morning itself. I didn't tell him anything, just because I didn't want to argue with him and spoil my mood.

So fourteen of us hit the road.

The last time we followed this route, it was in complete darkness, so I couldn't see anything out, unlike now. The way towards the beach was just beautiful. We crossed widely stretched green farms, salt pans. There were coconut trees everywhere. As we closed in the distance, I could smell the salt in the air. The coldness was even hitting my lungs, freshening me up from within.

"We are about to reach", announced Evan, who was behind the wheel.

"I'm so excited", Alicia told him, who was seated in the front. "Greg, what do you think?", she directed at Greg, batting her lashes, and smiling foolishly. What the shit! Was...that?. I kept staring at her wide-eyed. Her eyes met mine for a moment and then ignoring me she shifted her attention back to Greg, who was still sitting firmly beside me.

"Come on Greg, we won't get a chance to see all this...when we go back, so enjoy and please relax a bit...and look more human", she teased him. Huuuuuh! Alicia's clumsy attempts in flirting with Greg was irritating me.

"Careful, You will sprain your neck Alicia", I told her kindly as possible. Merlin who was sitting on my other side started laughing hard.

"Yeah, right", she said...laughing more.

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