17. The cup of sin?

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I woke up with a head-splitting ache in my head.

"Shit", I swore out loud, hastily sliding down my bed and storming towards the bathroom.

I thought that a good shower would help the headache fade away. But how wrong was I? It wasn't even far from going.

When I came back to the room, I saw Katy and Merlin silently sitting on my bed, dissolved into their own thoughts.

"What brings you two this early to my room", I asked them, forcing a smile on my face.

"Please don't tell me, you don't know Rose", Merlin asked me with a grim face. Her tone implied that I was missing something serious here.

"What? What happened?", I asked her puzzled, continuously shifting my gaze between Kat and Merlin. Kat who was silent all along now got onto her foot and walked towards me.

"Rose, this is serious, please don't joke about this", Kat pleaded.

"Joke? What joke? What are you talking about?", I asked her desperately. I had a feeling that they were messing around with me, but their face was dead serious and so I immediately dropped my idea.

"Guys, I'm serious, I don't know what you are talking about", I repeated.

"Then, tell me what is this?", Kat asked me producing a set of two golden chalices embedded on a brown wooden base, from the tiny space between my bed and the wall.

I was blank for the next few seconds, entirely blank. I used to quite often make a joke on people when they said that they were blank because according to me, there is no blank state. Our brain always processed something or the other continuously. But now I know, I know what being blank is. I had a feeling that I knew about its whereabouts, but then I wasn't clear. It was as if I knew about it, but at the same time didn't know anything about it.

"I...I don't know", I managed after a few seconds.

"Rose, this is serious. You have got into some really big problem. You have broken into a secret section in the library, sneaked into the Headmistress office and got a highly dangerous confiscated magical artifact outside", Merlin told me hurriedly.

" What?", I gasped out, "I did all those things? What are you saying?", I cried.

"Rose, last night Headmistress came here and tucked you into the sheets, as she brought you unconscious. We were so scared Rose, so so scared looking at you like that. We demanded an explanation, and she told us everything she knew about yesterday's accounts", Kat told me.

"Apparently, you caused a scene in the library, and the star in duty reported it to the Headmistress when it saw you entering the secret vault. The Headmistress wanted to know what were you searching about so desperately, so instead of coming and stopping you decided on standing aside and watching you complete your mission completely. Getting this  'Wish cup'", Merlin said pointing at the chalices.

"This is not you Rose, what is happening? This is so unlike you", Kat said rigorously shaking her head "What is happening to you? Please tell us", she pleaded.

I didn't know what to tell her. I was still processing what Merlin just told me, I did all of this? How? How did I do this? Why did I do this? All this for two chalices? There were a dozen questions swirling in my head. What was happening? I myself didn't have an answer, then how could I answer Kat.

"I don't...don't ask me anything", I replied arrogantly and walked off my room.


I set off towards the nearest podium. "I want some fresh air," I thought.

The wet green fields set a fresh aroma in the air. I gently closed my eyes and stood there in the middle, enjoying the mild sun. I needed to think...or get my head straight.

"Rose?", someone called out for me softly from behind. I didn't have to turn around to recognize that voice, as I would have recognized that voice even in my dreams. It was Adrian.

"Adrian?", I called him back again, walking briskly towards him. But wait! Something was wrong. He did not spread his arms wide, welcoming me. In fact, there was a different feel about him. I could see grim lines around his face.

"Is everything fine with you Rose?", He asked me, still maintaining a distance from me. That short distance was making me mad. I wanted to be in his arms like always. But what was wrong?

"No Adrian, I'm fine", I said managing a smile.

"Then, why did you behave like that with me Rose? I was concerned about you, and you? You slammed the door on my face", he said painfully.

I racked my brain to remember about yesterday's events. I still couldn't remember anything about breaking into the library and the Headmistress's office, but what Adrian was talking about, I could clearly remember. I didn't know why I behaved like that with him earlier. It felt so unlike me, as Katy said. It felt like there was someone else inside me, who was making me do these things. I didn't know how to explain Adrian any of these. Would he understand, if I'll tell him? But what if he thought that I was losing my mind? No, No I can't tell him, he won't believe me, or would he?

All the while, when I was mentally arguing with myself, Adrian was closely studying me. I knew that he was waiting for an answer. But what could I tell him? and so I did something, I knew I would regret later. I walked out of that place silently.


What do you guys think is going on with Rose? Do let me know of your thoughts in comments😄

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