16. Heights of Recklessness

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"For the thousandth time I am saying, I am fine", I snapped out at Adrian as he was continuously pestering me asking me about the little accident that happened back there in the simulation chamber. I knew that he was just genuinely worried about me, but it was getting annoying now.

The doctor gave me a clear check right after a few hours and so I was now walking back to my dorm alongside Adrian, who had missed his class and had come running down to meet me when he got the news. We now reached my dorm.

"What happened there inside?", he asked me again.

"Nothing", I repeated, turning around to enter my room.

" Rose wait", he said firmly, which made me turn around and face him. "What are you not telling me?", he asked me softly.

"Nothing", I said, entering my room, and slamming the door behind me, on his face. I didn't even know why I was getting irritated over Adrian for no reason.

As the day progressed by my mood worsened so much so that I started snapping out at anyone who crossed my path. It was so worse that by the end of the day even Kat started avoiding me.

It was almost 10 at night. I did not feel like sitting in my room anymore and so I decided on taking a stroll out. It was Greg whom I saw as soon as I stepped out of my room. He was standing as still as a sculpture outside.

"Do not follow me", I told him, showing him a sign with my hand to stop and started walking again. Nevertheless, he still followed me.

"I cannot Guardian Princess, I was given a direct order from the king to never leave you alone", he tried to explain it to me. I did not know where my rage came from, because I couldn't believe my own words, once they left out of my mouth.

" I do not care...who the fuck ordered you okay. I said you will not come behind me, and that's how it shall be. You don't dictate what I should do", I told him too harshly.

"Princess but...", he started, looking taken back by my choice of words.

"I will settle this out, with him tomorrow", I told him plainly and started to walk away aimlessly.

I did not know where I wanted to go, I just wanted to go away from here. Anywhere...but here.

I got into the podium, and the first place that came to my mind was the library. And so I reached the library, which was almost deserted at this point of time except for a star which was flying in random directions, arranging books into the shelves. I recognized it to be the rude Glint's father almost instantly.

"Library is closed", it told me.

" I don't care", I fired back, ignoring him and getting into the golden dias. So what did I want here? Maybe some fun...Yes, definitely.

"Hidden secrets of Symphea", I thought. I waited for the books to fly and come to me, but there was not a single book that reached me. 'I know, this book exists', I thought, smiling to myself. I stepped down the dias and " Emergion", I shouted and stepped back a bit. The golden dias now started rising up slowly, leaving a small dark crater behind. Which immediately emerged out steps leading me down into a secret vault.

The star started screaming behind me "Get out, you are not allowed there", it screamed, but before it could follow me behind. The crater closed back again, forming a circular silver ring.

"Sweet", I told myself looking at the arranged rows and rows of secret books.

"Hidden secrets of Symphea", I repeated.

Believe me, readers, this is not the best thing to do in a secret vault of books, where everything present is a secret...but I did it anyway, maybe I wasn't thinking all by myself, maybe It was something else that was making me do this...Maybe.

The Flame- RETURN OF THE DRAGON HEIR (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant