39. Betrayal

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 There was nothing that I could see at the beginning, but then slowly things started materializing in front of me. I was standing in one of the hallways of the school. Adrian and Kat were having an intense conversation over something. I tried to walk closer to listen to them but another glass barrier stopped me from approaching them again. Frustrated I stood there behind the barrier witnessing all of the events visually only. But wait! I could hear my parent's conversation yesterday. Maybe I will be able to hear them after some time.

After a few moments, Shail joined them.

"Search for an empty class for us", Kat ordered Shail. Wait! Did she just give a direct order? I was flabbergasted by this entirely different Kat. 'Yes! She has changed, definitely changed', mini Rose told me again.

Shail who quickly disappeared after the job was given to him soon returned back.

"Princess the 78°3 is available", Shail told her. Looking at his expression, he was looking extremely uncomfortable by the job that was given to him, yet he simply followed them to the podium. Darkness and nausea wrapped me too for a moment.

Now when the lights came back again. I saw a small wall that materialized perpendicular to the glass barrier, behind which I stood. It was in such a way that I could see both sides from where I stood.

"Wait here", Adrian told Shail and closed the door of the wall. Shail who was standing behind the door was looking taken back at what was happening. His reactions were hinting me to believe that something right wasn't going to happen. Despite being said to wait outside only. He opened the door slightly and eavesdropped to know what was going on.

"I thought that dating Teathen would be of some good. But he is useless", Kat told Adrian. I don't know why I didn't notice her dress at the beginning, but now it was practically screaming for attention. She had slipped in a bright crimson dress, that exposed Well! Almost everything not required.

"Oh! He is one useless. There is only one true prince here. Don't you think?", Adrian asked her seductively, stepping forward he took in her hands and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. He traced his kisses all the way up till her neck, slowly and steadily. Not soon did he find his way up till her lips. Kissing her passionately and intensely. What? WHAT? I dropped my mouth down. I wanted it to stop immediately. It was like visual torture for me. I screamed for them to stop it, but they didn't listen. It was only after a few moments that they briefly parted away from the kiss.

"I hope Rose doesn't find out", Adrian added out, gasping for breath.

"Don't spoil my mood, mentioning her", Kat said. "I always wanted you. The day I saw you here at this school. I wanted to talk to you so badly. I wanted to know you, but I never got a chance. And then I was kidnapped. Fate brought you and Rose together instead. But I never gave up on you. I knew that you never really loved her", she laughed hysterically.

"True baby. I never really loved her", he told her. Bringing his lips down to meet hers again.

I turned around, not being able to see it anymore. I don't want to know the truth. I'm sick of it. I want this to end. I don't want any of this anymore. And so I tried hard. I started putting my entire willpower into getting out of this nightmare.

"I DON'T WANT THIS", I screamed out loud.

I opened my eyes to see a very calm face watching me silently. Studying me, I would say, scrutinizing my face.
"It's over", he whispered softly, in my ears.

"Take me back please", I managed out. I felt drained out. I felt weak. I tried to clamber up onto my feet and start walking, but I fell down. My legs were shaking and it failed to support my body's weight. Greg without giving it a second thought immediately carried me onto his arms. I didn't even have the energy to decline his offer...(I don't think I had much of a choice there though). I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep on his shoulders.


"What happened to her?", someone's voice screeched out loudly. I woke up all of sudden and took in my surroundings. I was still being carried on Greg's arms. He carried me as if I was a small fly for him. My eyes being wide open. I asked him softly to put me down. He helped me down on the sofa and then turned around to face the questions which were thrown at him. I felt as if I carried an elephant today. Just a few steps and I would find my warm welcoming bed. But I knew that I had to stay. I had to keep them away from Greg.

"What did you do to her?", Adrian stepped forward, looking as dangerous as ever.

"Nothing", Greg said simply.

"Do not mess with me", he breathed each and every word fiercely.

"Stop threatening him", I warned Adrian. He looked taken aback momentarily but then regained back soon.

"Rose, this is serious. Tell us where did he take you, you look so drained and...", she lost for words. She intensely glared at me top to down "So weak", she completed.

"Where do you two disappear?", Adrian raised his voice up now, which boiled my blood.

"That's none of your business okay", I stressed out on my words. "It's none of your business what I and Greg do. Did you ever tell me what you do?", I burst out my pent up anger at him. "I would forgive my enemy for once. But not those who betrayed me", I yelled at him.

"What are you saying Rose?", Kat came forward now to Adrian's aid. Yes! They still tried to fool me. "Don't you guys think that I don't know anything about you two. I know what you do behind my back. Don't you two ever try to talk to me from now on", I said furiously and walked back to my room. Others who were present in the hall just kept glaring at me blankly as I passed by them.

Maybe I was right...or maybe I wasn't. I felt slightly better, as I started putting my distance from everyone. I couldn't stop myself from believing all that I saw today, but then I knew that I trusted them too. It was like a mental war that I was having. A part of me wanted to trust what Greg showed me, and the other part couldn't believe that both Kat and Adrian would do anything to hurt me. 'Stop trusting them', mini Rose voiced up again. 'Screw them', she said.

'Oh yes! Screw them', I repeated back loudly.


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