53. My Mother

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"Since then, I was determined to learn everything I possibly could about this power. I knew that you couldn't stay low for a long time. I waited for you to rise and shine Rose", he told me, excitedly. I now didn't restrain myself from openly showing my disgust on my face. "Two years back, I reached Dominos and joined their forces. I wanted to learn more about The flame and for that, I wanted access to their secret vault. With my own specialized magic powers. I won the King's heart and manipulated him to assign me at the very spot of my own choice. See Rose, everything started working just like I wanted. I learned everything I could, and in the meanwhile, I strengthened my own self. I had lots to feed on at that palace you see", he said, starting to walk to and fro. "Constant fear...they lived in constant fear, which I fed on happily and kept myself young and healthy", he said, proudly. What? He fed on fear? Was that his special magic?

" Then a month back, you were about to be Crowned as the Guardian Princess", he laughed his heart out now, the coldness in his laugh, hit me like a wave. "Everyone was talking about you Rose. The owner of the Flame, everyone wanted to know about you. They were so eager to see you, and so was I. I heard everything that happened back there in the cave, impressive...It was indeed impressive", he said, with a sly smile. "And then I saw you there in the throne room. It was the moment I had been waiting for from the past 90 years. You were all grown up to be one fine beautiful woman. Ahhh yes! You are so beautiful", he said, coming closer to me. " As soon as I saw you, I had this different feeling budding inside me, something I had never experienced all these years", he told me softly, taking my hands into his, which I instantly shook off. I heard Adrian struggle hard to be free.

"Yes! I wanted the Flame. My original plan was to take the Flame which I wanted and then kill you off. My plan was still the same, with only a slight variation now", he said pausing to meet my eyes. I saw the red pupils of his eyes dilate. They were cold and scary, I broke the contact soon. " I wanted you too", he pulled me towards him now "I wanted to build a family with you", he said. What? What the fuck, did he say? Wait, this must be someone's sick joke, please say yes, but then I saw it. Saw it in his eyes. There was lust in his eyes. "Leave me", I yelled at him, trying hard to free from his grasp.

"I asked the King to assign me as your guard, soon after the meeting. With these new feelings that were building within me, to which I didn't have a name, I came to meet you to tell you that I was your new guard. Only to find that you were not in your room. I came searching for you, which led me to the Prince's room. Where I saw you both huddled together. My blood started boiling at that site. I wanted to kill him right there, and take my rightful things right then, but...",

" I'm not your rightful", I corrected him, interrupting him.

"Yes, you are", he replied back calmly.

I now sprang onto my feet. " No, you are not", I stressed again, furiously.

"I like this", he smiled at me, and in an instant, he was near me. I involuntarily took a step back. He pulled me closer to him, his huge build-up arms pined me close against his chest, and he kissed me. I tried hard to break away from him. But he kept kissing me so desperately, like as if like a thirsty animal who would die without this. He broke the kiss himself. I pushed him away and tried to put as much distance as possible between me and him. I kissed...i kissed a monster, a murderer...a murderer who killed my parents. I felt disgusted with myself, my disgust for him was coming out as anger. I was still weak, but my powers and my senses were coming back to me at a pace like never before. Yet, I needed some time to reach my full potential.

" I wanted to do that, from so long", he said, breathless.

"Don't", I warned him, shaking till my roots.

" You don't want me, because of him right?", he said angrily, unfreezing Adrian and clasping him by his neck.

Adrian who was smart and quick, quickly phase-shifted himself and disappeared into thin air.

The Flame- RETURN OF THE DRAGON HEIR (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now