2. A guardian Princess?

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[Life, believe, is not a dream.
So dark as sages say;
Oft a little morning rain
Foretells a pleasant day]
-Charlotte Bronte


The first thing I did, the next morning was to reach Kat's door.

"Kat...Kat, please wake up", I cried banging the door, but all I got back was silence in return.

"Kat...", I started banging the door even harder. Merlin now came running towards the source of the disturbance.

"What is happening here?", she asked yawning.

"I want to talk to you guys", I told her hurriedly. "Chuck it", I rolled my eye and opened the door now from outside, not minding about her privacy anymore. Merlin quietly followed me behind.

Kat was still sleeping peacefully in her chocolate-colored pyjamas. I walked up to her and shook her up.

"Kat get up please...."

"Get lost, Rose...", she yelled back.

"This is important okay...Adrian is taking me to the palace...", I cried out loud.

That did the trick, as she instantly sat upright, and glared at me wide-eyed. Merlin now walked in front of me and seated herself on Kat's bed.

"Tell me everything", Merlin nodded.

"Last night, he came to meet me and then told me that I got to get ready as we will be soon going to the palace...what the hell does that mean?... I don't understand anything. Do you think he is going to introduce me to his father or something? Oh god! I hope its not about that", I told them breathless.

"I don't think, it's about that", Kat replied simply.

"Then what? What can it be about?"

I was standing there puzzled and disordered when with a small pop a letter arrived and was hanging there mid-air. I immediately reached for it, and it dropped on my palm.

"It's from Oliv....the Headmistress," I corrected myself instantly.

"Go ahead", Kat said, encouraging me to open it up.

I hastily opened the envelope to read the following contents.

Dear Rose and Catherine,

I hope you will be awake by now. I would like to meet you both in my office as soon as possible.


"You both should hurry now", Merlin told us.

"Go clean yourself up and come...I'm waiting in the hall", I told Kat starting to leave the room.

The wait in the hall was filled with anxiety. What could it be about? I walked up and down the hall aimlessly.

"What's up with her?" I heard the voice of a newcomer from behind. Clarke and Alicia now entered our dorm and questioned Merlin.

"Headmistress wants them in her office", Merlin told them.

"Now?" Alicia gasped out "It's only 8.30 am", she pointed out.

"I don't know Alicia...I don't know what's going on", I told her, shaking my head wildly.


"You wanted to meet us, Headmistress?" Katy asked Olivia, who was already seated on her high raised chair.

"Yes please", she said pointing at the chair opposite her for us to sit. "I was waiting for you two", she sounded tired.

"Rose and Catherine, I believe I do not have a piece of good news for you two...", she started.

I took a side-glance at Kat who was seated beside me, she met my eye anxiously, she was just as puzzled as me.

"What's the matter", I asked her softly. I knew that this wouldn't go so smoothly, and as feared we might be facing a real problem now.

"You, Catherine and Princess Genn are going to be crowned as the guardian princesses", she told us.

"What?" I and Katy asked collectively.

"What does that mean?", I asked her instantly.

"Calm down Rose...It's just like...", she trailed out for words. I have never seen Olivia looking out for words "They are just assigning you three" Now three I understood who three because Serena was excluded from getting all the Eldar special amenities long back since she turned evil "As guardians of the Three Realms", she said "You don't have to worry about it. They will crown you as the guardians, that's it. You don't have to do anything else", she quickly added.

"Why but? We didn't ask them to crown us...or anything. We don't want this", Katy told her softly. I should say that Kat was trying hard to keep her tone calm, unlike me who wanted to just yell at her right then.

"They want to thank the Eldar blood," she said, now rising from her chair and walking towards us. "Please will you, just go...I will not ask anything more from you two", she pleaded. Suddenly I started feeling bad for her.

I turned my gaze towards Kat. She felt the same. They must've coerced her so much, that she was pleading to us now.

Kat met my eyes and asked for my opinion silently. I nodded slightly agreeing to her.

"Okay", I told her nodding, Kat agreed too.

"But please don't tell us to do anything more", I pleaded. Oh God! I really don't know what else we will have to go through in this one month.

She nodded, and so we started leaving her office. I really didn't know what to think of this. Guardian Princess? Me? I didn't even know what that meant.

"Wait, I forgot to tell you one more thing", she stopped us. "You will leave today itself, arrangements are being made for you two", she said, I slowly nodded and started walking towards the door again. "One more thing", she stopped us again "Catherine you are going to be crowned as the guardian of Xenopia, and you Rose will be the guardian of Domino", she said finally.

"What?", I dropped my mouth, did I just hear what I think I heard?.

" Yes Rose, you heard it right", she confirmed to my reaction. Domino? Really? That was Adrian's kingdom. I will be the guardian of his kingdom?. 'You will have to get ready to go to the palace' his words came back to me. He knew it, he knew about this long back and still didn't tell me.

"Why me?" I thought out loud, as I walked across the hallway that was now filled with students, filing in the classroom for their classes.


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Have a nice day...keep smiling

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