March 14

20 1 0

     Jack's second day in rehab. Ugh I miss him so much! I'm so damn proud of him doing this though. He decided all on his own and actually took an action. It's so weird being without him though he can only call twice (maybe even once) a day. He called this morning and I was babysitting tonight. I hurried home after so I didn't miss his call but either I did or he didn't call tonight, I didn't ask his grandparents. I'm so nervous/excited. This can make it break everything. Either he comes back a changed man and shapes the hell up, or he does for a few days before giving up. I'm terrified of the latter. But I firmly believe that if he sticks to focusing on KEEPING himself on the right path with regular doctor's appointments, counseling, and alcohol classes, then everything will be okay. The thing is, I can't force him, only support him. And I'm going to support him to the best of my ability. He's had a horrible life and I would hate to see him give up on his success story. In fact, I won't see him give up. This is the final straw, this is what decides our future. I have such high hopes though and he does too. I'm not gonna let negative or scared thoughts drag me down. This is going to make everything better I can tell! Send prayers for us all!

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