October 2 12:05am

134 5 1

Today/yesterday (10/1) was actually a pretty alright day. Jack was a sweetheart, he could tell last night that something was up with me. I was very depressed last night and yesterday. I wanted to curl up in a ball and ignore absolutely everything but I'd feel like a bad mother. He me me breakfast at like 10 pm and was super kind to me. Today (10/1) we didn't fight at all. He still needs to work on telling me before he leaves, though.
He ended up at the grocery store in the checkout line of his ex girlfriend. He fucked her like 4 years ago but lied to me about her now there's definitely bad blood and should've stood his ground with the people he was with about not going through her line. I mean, he was honest about the fact that he had to have a conversation with her. Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can't report her because she was a raging bitch to him, according to him. I'm gonna see what he says about the incident when he wakes up. We'll see what happens because he's drunk. I'm gonna make a bogus claim about her.
I'm drunk, guys. I seems like I'm being bad while admitting it to the public but what the hell, I'm 21. My baby is asleep. Honestly guys, I'm gonna say gnight now cause I'm drunk and insecure and can't type. See y'all tomorrow? Maybe.?

*Please vote for my 2nd part to keep my motivation going!*

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