November 1

12 1 0

     Well, no fighting happened yesterday, which is probably for the best. Captain Crack is still here though trying to start shit with people acting tough. Nobody wants to deal with her though. And I swear I'm not afraid to cut a bitch who puts my daughter in harm's way. Anyway, Sunny went Trick Or Treating at a few places. She got so much candy at the nursing home and they loved her so much! She was a bat, and Jack and I were vampires.
     Yesterday seemed like it was an escape from the real world, despite the stupidity of my "mother" in law. It was like it didn't matter, and all the bullshit and stress of life didn't exist. We had fun, I went to my brother's later that night, which is something I rarely do. He gave me some beers, then I came home and drank and hung out with Jack. Pretty fun, nothing too special. But now I'm back in my usual mood, feeling totally unimportant and Jack is subtly trying to find out what's wrong and make me feel better, but I don't know how to explain it to him.


I'm babysitting right now. I'm kinda dreading going home to Captain Crack being there. She's so exhausting how are you gonna be in your 30's trying to fight your son's fiancee and the mother of your grandbaby? She's trash. I would knock her lights out because I have more determination, but I'm just so tired of her and her trash can of a family, Jack excluded. She's disgusting, she's a drain on society, and I'm sick of her. I can't explain this feeling. I'm 100% not afraid of her, for one because I truly believe I could win, and two I know Jack has my back and he's an incredibly skilled fighter. But it's just...ugh. I fucking despise her and want her gone.

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