The United States combination of Mal, Alex Morgan and Tobin Heath continue to get chances with the Swedes managing to block a fair amount of shots before they make it to the goal.

In the 28th minute, the US comes close once again to going ahead only to see Lindhahl manage to get a hand on the ball and send it back out.

In the 37th Solo is pressed in action, needing to come out and punch the ball away from harm.

Then in the 44th minute Mal and Carli hook up once more and Carli puts her shot into the keeper with Mal getting the rebound and sending it just over the bar.

Charlotte watches from the edge of her couch, squeezing the pillow in her arms with everything she has and screams at the television as the ball goes over the bar and out of play.

"Damn it!"

The United States continues to bring it to the Swedes but is unable to capitalize on any opportunities and the teams finish the first half with the same scoreline as the beginning.

Mackenzie grabs a seat beside Charlotte, "What the score?"

"No score yet, end of the first half."

"How's Mal doing?"

"She's been working hard and generating and some chances, missed a couple of her own; hopefully, the second half will see some results."

Mackenzie looks at her, "I was expecting you to say good like you always do."

"Sorry." Charlotte smiles at her sister, "Why are you all dressed up?"

"I have a date."

"With? I need details."

"How about I'll give you details if we make it beyond a first date."

"Hey, Kenz, did you get a deposit into your account?"

"I did and while I appreciate it, it was completely unnecessary."

"You and Finn have worked your butts off to make this happen for me, it's the least I could do, but I expect you to take that money and put it towards paying off your school stuff."

"I will. I could really use a new car, do you think you could direct some money into my account for that as well?"

Charlotte laughs, "I'm not that rich."

"You will be once your books start flying off the shelves."

"We'll see about that. I'm really nervous that they'll flop and the publishing company will ask for their money back."

"That's not gonna happen, Sis. Anyways, time for me to head out."

Mackenzie gets up and puts her jacket on and Charlotte yells at her, "Be home before curfew!"

"I don't have a curfew!"

"Have fun, Kenz and use protection."

"I will."

The front door closes and Charlotte laughs at her sister as the second half of the game gets underway.

The States has a golden opportunity on the edge of the 18-yard box in the 48th minute as a handball is called against Sweden. Rather than going to goal the US decides to play it short with Lloyd passes to Heath and getting the ball back before sending a low shot wide of the goal to end the threat.

Minutes later, the US finds itself with another free-kick as Tobin Heath is taken down just outside the box. When the whistle blows Carli steps and up sends the ball high over the wall but also over the goal and out of play.

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