
187 12 10

Sup y'all's

I have had yet another escapade in the shower involving bugs, and this time Hong Kong is gonna tell the story~

Also my school isn't closed (yet) so... :(

But anyway

HK: *calls Ice*

I: *answers* What is it this time??


I: Uh... Yeah?

HK: Remember when you were telling me about the bugs in your shower?

I: Yeah?

HK: I had my own experience with a bug in shower!

I: I'm listening.

HK: So I hopped in the shower, got my hair all wet 'n' stuff, then I looked down...

I: ...

HK: ... And there was an ant.

I: *gasp*

HK: I know, right? Anyway, I wasn't going to squish it into the wet shower floor and smear its remains all over my bare foot-

I: Shut up, oh my god-

HK: -so I had the genius idea to use the shower water to wash it down the drain!

I: ... Oh my god.

HK: At first I tried to use the water dripping from my fingers to push it towards the drain, but that wasn't working. Then the idea came to me.

I: What was it?

HK: My beautiful, luscious hair.

I: -_-

HK: I know exactly what face you're making, so stop it; you know it's true. Anyway, I took a chunk of my hair, and I discovered that it was dripping much more water than my fingers.

I: Well duh. The shower water falls directly on your head-

HK: Shut up! Let me have my big brain moment, okay?!

I: Okay, okay. What happened this time?

HK: I used the water to guide the ant to the drain and fwoomp- down it went.

I: ... I feel kinda cruel now

HK: Wait, what? Why?

I: I killed the centipede while you only flushed the ant down the drain.

HK: Aww, Icey! It was probably more cruel to let the ant suffer wherever the drain leads than to kill it. Besides, if it makes you unhappy, it must die

I: Do you have any mercy when it comes to bugs?

HK: Nope!

Okay so while we're still on the topic of bugs

There used to be this spider in the bathroom with a really large abdomen compared to the rest of its body (it wasn't too large as a whole-) and it disappeared a few days ago and I'm low-key worried that it's off laying a crap ton of spider eggs but it's fine


(It's not fine- I'm kinda scared)

(Also wash your hands)

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