#64: Lingua Latina

209 11 10

HK: Ice!

I: Quid?

HK: ... Quid.

I: *attonitus*

HK: ... Hoc lingua nescio!

I: Nesciamus!

HK: Nesciamus! Hoc lingua nesciamus!

I: Sed tuum intelligo!

HK: *lacrimans* Sed hoc non intelligo!

I: Scio! Tace!

HK: ...

I: Fortasse... deus nobīs poenas daret?!

HK & I: *lacrimantes*

N: *eavesdropping* I should use this spell for pranks in the future.

Ooffffffff I probably made a bunch of grammar mistakes but oh well

If you don't know Latin you won't know what they're saying. Muahahahaha

I'm too lazy to give a translation. MUAHAHAHAHA

Also translating into English is a lot easier than translating out of English for some reason? Whatever

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