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Nordics & HK: *sitting in a circle on the floor*

HK: Are we like, summoning Satan or something?

D: We're playing a game!

HK: Is it called Satan Summoners?

D: It's called Kiss Marry F*** Kill!

HK: I love and hate this game!

D: Who first?

I: Mememememememe!

D: Okay go.

I: This is for... Hong Kong. *evil smirk*

HK: Oh no.

I: Your people are... Norway Denmark Sweden Finland.

HK: Oh god.

I: ...

HK: *chooses carefully*

I: *waiting*

HK: Kiss Sweden, marry Finland.

I: *eyes widen*

HK: Kill Den. *evil smirk* And f*** Nor.

I: *salty chicken nugget*

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