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Guess who's back

Most of the snow in my neighborhood has melted so I can actually have fun outside (no I do not play, I have fun. What are you tacoing about)

I hope you know what a ripstik is (I hope I spelled it right- if not then deal with it) (That's how it's spelled on the box so I think it's right but who knows) (Wait that's not even the problem here- if you don't know what a ripstik is then look it up)

HK: *sigh* Do I need to show you again?

I: ... Yes... *backs away*

HK: *steps forward* Okay, you put one foot on the front, then you push off with the other and put that one on the back. *demonstrates, gliding off on the ripstik*

I: Yeah, yeah, I know...

HK: *gets off and brings the ripstik back* Then do it!

I: But I'll die!

HK: No you won't!

I: I want a helmet...

HK: You know, you could just hold onto me...

I: Heck no.

HK: *whine* Why not?

I: Cuz that's what you wanted from the start.

HK: *grumble* Why are you so scared anyway?

I: Because I'm going to die!

HK: No you're not!

I: Fatalities by ripstik. Look it up.

HK: *sighs and looks it up* ... All the results are about skateboarding.

I: You know, when I first heard the word "ripstik" I thought it had a b instead of a p. Haha... "ribstik"...

HK: *silently grabs Ice's hands*

I: ... What are you doing?? *is forced to hold onto Hong's shoulders* (The pronouns got confuzzling right here so I unfortunately had to do that ^)

HK: I'm fed up with your procrastination so you're going to do it holding onto me. Okay?

I: *sigh* Okay...

HK: *smirk*

I: *glare* Not with that face though.

HK: Okay, okay!

So yes, a ripstik recently joined my household. Guess which part of HongIce I was

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